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SteamID64 76561198081105031
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:60419651
Country United States
Signed Up April 10, 2018
Last Posted December 12, 2023 at 12:35 PM
Posts 519 (0.2 per day)
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Headphones hyperx cloud stinger
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#10 RGL S5 Invite Qualifier in Events

actually i found out that dank is part of HRteam. HRTEAM FOR THE WIN!!!

posted about 3 years ago
#9 RGL S5 Invite Qualifier in Events

burnsiders better win!

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Platypugs 6s Tourney in TF2 General Discussion

so i joined the discord, i sent my rgl page to get verified, and a few minutes later im kicked/banned from the discord. no words, nothing that told me why i was banned, nothing at all. care to explain why?

posted about 3 years ago
#171 Newbie Mix Coaches in TF2 General Discussion

arriving right now

posted about 3 years ago
#8 WONDERWALL goes Global with vaati in News

hhhwrd and lolguy?

posted about 3 years ago
#5 RGL IM/AM/NC S5 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

nah, i shall return and conquer with FLIGHT! esports.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 FOOTSIES: rollback edition + speedrunning it. in Other Games
Brolyme and ur mom love to play footsies

XD i cant stop laughing... anyways i made a new speedrun submission in the masher category.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 FOOTSIES: rollback edition + speedrunning it. in Other Games

so i just bought this game yesterday and it is very good. its called "FOOTSIES: rollback edition" and not only is it good, there's different color pallettes every time you clear arcade mode, the arcade mode is difficult, you get rollback netcode during online fights, there's whiff punishment and hit confirm training, survival and arcade survival, and a community discord from the game maker himself!

the game also allows speedrunning too! there are 5 categories of speedrunning that i participated in one of those categories. arcade speedrun, survival speedrun, arcade survival speedrun, whiff punishment speedrun, and hit confirm speedrun.

each mode, except for arcade, can have different number obstacles to go through, such as in survival, you can fight 5, 10, 20, 35, or even over 100 enemies. in survival you get 3 lives, while each time you beat an enemy, your score goes up by one.

i even have 3 videos on my rookie, masher, and fighter speedruns where i got 3rd place on masher and rookie and 4th in fighter out of 4 people in the accepted list. my runs havent been accepted yet, so here's a video of me playing my masher run:

posted about 3 years ago
#139 gush your happiness in Off Topic

beaten footsies: rollback edition arcade mode today. also got on a season 5 newcomer 6v6 team a few days ago. will update you guys with new posts every once in a while.

posted about 3 years ago
#13 Witness Gaming calls Black Swan to the stand in News
dbkis this the hottest team to ever play tf2?

yes. yes it is

posted about 3 years ago
#18 Newbie Mixes announces Season 5 Team Drive in News
JWBon a side note u turning criticism into people being the cause of ur depression shows why he called u an egomaniac, and is actually quite abusive if done intentionally (not that doing it unintentionally makes the action itself any less bad). u need to learn to take responsibility for ur own actions and take criticism to both ur in-game play and ur character if u want to grow. i want u to be happy man but u cant be telling people theyre the cause of ur depression when they criticise u that 1) wont help u grow and 2) is not fair on them at all. as i said kevins response was pretty fair given that u just went after the project he works hard on (on voluntary basis) just because u had a bad experience in it previously (which i doubt was his or the project's fault really).

edit: if people criticising u for fair things like this is the cause of ur depression then that is ur fault not theres. thats what i meant by taking responsibility.

Well... that happened. My sincere apologies to Kevin for my comments related to connecting him and his comments to my depression and violent anger. That was not my intention when it came that far into the argument. It’s actually hard thinking about what to say as an apology in the first place, considering I lost irl friends because of things like this. Therefore, I shall take my leave from this thread, and hope that the teams in the team drive have a successful season

posted about 3 years ago
#13 Newbie Mixes announces Season 5 Team Drive in News
yosemit3cre-8Last time I did this, I got replaced by a sub 4 weeks into season 3 of RGL and left the team as soon as I heard I was being replaced. I wanted to have fun, not to be considered a fucking disgrace in front of a team who I will consider to be peasants at this time, because infidel and heretic is not the right terms to use. So if you are a serious competitive player and can survive toxicity and are actually decent at the game, this place is a good place to start, but if you’re like me, who wanted to have fun as demoman and barely did anything that good because he relied more on pipes than stickies, then this place is not for you at all.

If this helped you understand what I’ve been through, why I uninstalled tf2 and the fact that I did NOT play season 4 at all because of bullshit like this, or helped you understand what you can expect from this group, then let me know! I’m always here to be of assistance or to make people happy.
If you were part of the team known as playermovement back in season 3 of RGL 6v6, then let’s just say you were all the last straw in trying to keep me in the competitive scene, and you all ruined it. Fuck you, and suck my dick.
Pleasure meeting everyone who participates this season! Well... as I said I uninstalled tf2 due to 4 years of playing first person shooters with literally nothing positive going my favor. Good luck everyone!

I played pocket soldier on the PlayerMovement team in RGL S3 of Newcomer it was a great team filled with people with who I play TF2 with 'till this day even after that season. That being said cre-8 my man I've seen you post here on more than one occasion on the forums to complain about "toxicity" that was never present on the team but not only do you speak about non-existent toxicity you also blame us for your departure of TF2. I'd say that we were never toxic to you. We were fine with your presence on our team as we had no issues with you personally, it really was only your performance in-game.

We understood that you weren't the next Habib or Bdonski so we tried to help you in fact I, who was a previous demo main, offered some help to you but you never took up on my offer. I even vividly remember you saying on a discord call that you don't practice at all outside of matches/scrims.

All in all, it's in the past now so I'm hoping we can drop this. I wish you well in whatever you do in the future.

i understand that, i know there was no toxicity between us. i dont even remember mentioning team toxicity, just about me getting replaced. you all are great people NGL. it just pissed me off when i got replaced and i was too immature even at the age of 18 to think through since my brain is basically mentally broken

posted about 3 years ago
#12 Newbie Mixes announces Season 5 Team Drive in News
KevinIsPwncre-8 that is the most toxic post i've ever read

maybe you getting cut had something to do with insisting on using pipes or whatever tf, but after reading that it seems more likely that they didn't want to play with an egomaniac

i have been called toxic, i have been called shit, and ive also been banned permanently from prolander pugs that werent even run by RGL on a discord server because of my attitude when it came to certain topics, and i also have been called things that are true and said true things gave me a small amount of paranoia from the police. i even got dossed several times and also used my own voice to describe where my irl location was and all that whenever i was extremely angry at someone, but calling me an egomaniac? thats a first. and judging by the post you made, i guess you dont even know who i am. so let me explain myself.

i am cre-8, AKA little *INCREASE BASS NOISE*, AKA autism incarnate, AKA awezombie13, AKA the mental bandit, former tf2/csgo/valorant player for no teams whatsoever within a full season, former card game maker, and current rpg video game maker using the rpg maker xp engine.

i have been a competitive noob in team fortress 2 and every other game that's a first person shooter for almost half a decade, i am the greatest personality on the mic, and have the likes of marxist on my steam friends list at one point. i'm the purest form of a game related actor you have or have not seen. i know JWB as a friend, geel defended my ass against stephanie when stephanie ranted about how annoying i was in the first place, in which she is not wrong.

all my life i wanted to make people entertained, happy, and proud of what i do or have done. and people like yourself are the reason i have a major depressive situation on a daily basis since the 6th grade. i have graduated high school as of currently, and i don't intend on stopping my inevitable reign of excitement any time soon. now i do NOT want to start any fights with anyone, because people know how violent i can sound but how weak i actually am. so please, for everyone's sake, don't start a fight with me.

posted about 3 years ago
#497 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic

When it comes to competitive tf2, some people call me goated, when all I think about is me being a disgrace to the human race. Like some people, even IRL friends think I’m goated but when I play, I get absolutely destroyed by people who I myself think didn’t deserve it (young sanity) or like in season3 of RGL 6s, 4 weeks into the season I got replaced by a sub and therefore left the team entirely because I was pissed. I didn’t even participate in season 4, nor do I intend on playing season 5. Then I feel like a failure whenever my products I take time on like my ancient challenger video game, or my stick battles card game, they just don’t do anything that good... and I just want to know who really cares about me and who really supports me.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 Garthnuk LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

PICK HIM UP! JUST PICK HIM UP! Make your dream stronger with this man! JUST..... PICK HIM UP!!!

posted about 3 years ago
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