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Signed Up April 10, 2018
Last Posted December 12, 2023 at 12:35 PM
Posts 519 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ⋅⋅ 34
#4 i would like to talk about weeb shit here please in Off Topic
EntropyTFMattheslock this please i dont even wanna know who the other pedos areloli is child porn you can quote me
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-3 euros be diddling

yo wtf? anyways me and my older sister watch jojo's bizarre adventure. i sadly missed my favorite part of part 5 tho in english dub...

posted about 5 years ago
#7 left or right? in Off Topic

idk what this means, can someone please explain this concept?

posted about 5 years ago
#11 the republic of molossia. in Off Topic
wolsnedbkso how does this connect to molossia being at war with east germanyHe explains very clearly, right island called “Ernst thälmann island” was gifted to east Germany by Fidel Castro, but was not mentioned in the peace negotiations so that island, off the coast of Cuba, is still technically called East German territory!

CORRECT! you answered my question for me, idk how to reward you for that so...

posted about 5 years ago
#9 the republic of molossia. in Off Topic
dbkcre-8jimmijso its like israelNo. This is much different, they also won 2 wars and are current engaged in one since 1983. They also had an Olympic Games for other micro nations!who are they at war with?

If you go to their website, there are three wars, the war that is the only one still active is “the war with east Germany” they explain a loophole where an island called “Ernst thälmann island” was gifted to east Germany by Fidel Castro, but was not mentioned in the peace negotiations so that island, off the coast of Cuba, is still technically called East German territory! And even though it’s only inhabitants are birds and iguanas, the was is still ongoing since 1983 and possibly will go on forever!

posted about 5 years ago
#7 the republic of molossia. in Off Topic
jimmijso its like israel

No. This is much different, they also won 2 wars and are current engaged in one since 1983. They also had an Olympic Games for other micro nations!

posted about 5 years ago
#6 the republic of molossia. in Off Topic
3006what's wrong with you

Look if you want an honest answer, everything

posted about 5 years ago
#1 the republic of molossia. in Off Topic

before you continue with reading this thread, no i did not make up this republic. this was originally named "the grand republic of vuldstein" in 1977 by two people before one of them left the project and the other, now the president, made it molossia, and it isnt related to the ancient greek nation of the same name.
continuing onward, they have their own official website here where you can learn all about them:
and yes this is a micro-nation inside of the united states next to dayton, nevada.
i wont explain everything, so go look at the website if you wish.

posted about 5 years ago
#32 Why do you come to tftv? in Site Discussion

so i can tell people the pain im suffering and then get down fragged because everyone hates me even though i know im the reason behind it.

posted about 5 years ago
#26 froyotech serves up cookiejake for season 2 in News

well all im gonna say is i hope lan becomes a huge success. that is all

posted about 5 years ago
#29 Sporadic eSports confirmed for RGL Season 2 in News

one, why is fygg crossed out, and two, i hope this more international team can succeed very well and can possibly make it to the lan

posted about 5 years ago
#31 toxic things in TF2 General Discussion

"i will literally give you an unusual if you stop playing tf2 entirely" got this one during my first year of competitive play by a man i havent seen in years. goes by the name of onfroi

posted about 5 years ago
#132 what are ya READING? in Music, Movies, TV

i once read an esports book that was very small in pages. it had a specific picture of a girl playing a game, but in reality it was a youtube video of you looked closely! anyways ive read some of divergent, some of beowulf, and all of to kill a mockingbird, and all of lord of the flies i think. all (except for divergent) were read at school. i also read most of dav pilkey's books, good comedy kids book creator!

posted about 5 years ago
#8 why are there only update threads nowadays? in CS2 General Discussion

bruh moment

posted about 5 years ago
#6 why are there only update threads nowadays? in CS2 General Discussion

i without a shadow of a doubt am officially a dumbass, and an autistic one at that, even though i plan to revive the csgo forum at some point

posted about 5 years ago
#4 why are there only update threads nowadays? in CS2 General Discussion

may i say that im a dumbass again?

posted about 5 years ago
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