oh my god lol my font didn't have the .ttf in it lmao
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198980102679 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:1019836951] |
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Country | Egypt |
Signed Up | April 30, 2020 |
Last Posted | August 30, 2020 at 2:58 PM |
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I saw that video but I will do it again :/
hello guys, so I had rays hud installer and I installed rays hud and stuff and I wanted to change the fonts, so I went to the toonhud website and took a random hud and took the fonts from it
and put it in my fonts folder
removed cerbetica and cerbtica bold
and put toonhud's lato font
and I wanted to change the lato font but i can't for some reason
I tried to remove the lato font and put another one, I removed everything in the font file and it just still in the game even though it's not in the file
i just want to change it to tf2build font and i can't so please help
well thanks guys
I live in Africa and I wanna get in a comp team.. I have bad ping like 82 most of the time so if u can help me that would be awesome