jermangfirst and foremost "blazedarkbringer" even if this is some elaborate troll u should really watch how u talk to literally anyone considering youre some weird obnoxious inbred faggot and killing yourself is a wonderful alternative to making this awful awful thread
no one should, ever has, or ever will care about the words of some forever low open retard. your pugs are just as horrible as you are and its prboably a pain for even your parents to hear you giggling with your stupid fucking meme friends about how intricate this troll is, let alone deal with the fact that ur alive
if u think that this is going to leave some sort of legacy dont worry this thread will probably die in a day and the onyl thing people will remember u as is that one retard shitposter who thought he was hilarious by shit talking every single player in the game most of which he probably doesnt even know
goodbye u waste of life
this is cringier than the op :/