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Signed Up February 2, 2014
Last Posted September 19, 2014 at 12:17 AM
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#59 MedicStats SourceMod plugin in Projects

There seems to be a rounding issue with medstats, it counts 12/17=.70588 as 70% but 5/17=.29411 as 29%.
This leads to an odd looking medi gun usage, e.g.: http://logs.tf/465775

posted about 10 years ago
#103 SizzlingStats - Live TF2 Stats **Alpha Test** in Projects

I'm unable to download demo files, getting an error:
<Message>Access Denied</Message>

posted about 10 years ago
#35 CEVO Community Meeting #2 in TF2 General Discussion

Could I get a clarification of this passage:
"Teams are now allowed to refuse the use of a spectator application if either team can provide one."
Is this just a verbose way of saying "Teams may refuse spectator applications"?

I am slightly uncomfortable with the Match Coverage, Casting and Live Streaming, Paragraph 1:
"Teams failing to cooperate with CEVO's media partners ... [may be] removed from the event."
I understand that this would only be in extreme circumstances, but I would like to know the extent to which we would need work with the media, and a few examples of CEVO's media partners.

Finally, I would greatly appreciate it if CEVO would revise their rule change policy to notify team leaders in the case of major changes to the rules.

Thank you.

posted about 11 years ago