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SteamID64 76561198123741865
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:81738068
Country European Union
Signed Up October 31, 2016
Last Posted December 8, 2019 at 8:15 PM
Posts 7 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.16
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Taipan
Keyboard Some shitty microsoft keyboard
Mousepad Razer Sphex
Headphones Razer Kreaken Pro
Monitor Some KTC monitor from 2007
#9 Game lag on class switch. in Customization

Update: Switching to mastercomfig 7 leaves me with random stutters and drops in frames in-game.
I've tried to use all the presets trough the app, but none of them fixes it. I'm not exactly surprised, it's obviously outdated and mastercoms has said that before v8 came out.

UPDATE of the update:
Tried switching from 8.2.2 to previous versions down to 6.14.1 with the alias game_overrides_once in the autoexec.
Same thing. I noticed that when i start up the game, the screen flashes 3 times, before the menu loads (with or without the alias thing) and in the console, it looks like mastercomfig has initialized TWICE.

Here's a txt file with the console logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7fwvvykub7dlbfv/console_logs.txt?dl=0

I also noticed that when you join a server (only for the first join of the session), the windows cursor pops into the game for a second and then goes away. It would do that for a random amount of times. Sometimes it does it 3 or 4 times, sometimes it does it long enough to make me miss a midfight. I've tried alt-tabbing and stuff, doesn't fix it. I just need to sit back and let it go away on its own.

All of the aforementioned things are "fixed" with mastercomfig 7, but the game is really unstable with that.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Game lag on class switch. in Customization
mastercomsEvery time you switch class? That is not intended. The only lag should be experienced on the very first class spawn you do in your entire game session. This is so that the HUD is initialized properly, getting rid of various HUD bugs like %killername% and %killerhealth%.

Something is resetting the state of what blocks this from happening again. Could you share your config files?

Sure thing.
All of my cfg files, still placed in the cfg/user folder after changing to mastercomfig 7.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Game lag on class switch. in Customization

for this one you need to have class configs named with _c at the end and they just go in your cfg folder

Okay, that did the trick. Much simpler than i expected it to be. Don't know how much FPS i could lose (or gain, who knows) with this, but i'll definitely take a couple frames less over throwing every last hold, because i'm just AFK in spawn.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Game lag on class switch. in Customization
Phantomits something to do with mastercomfig im pretty sure I tried using version 8 a while ago but it did that for me too so I stuck with version 7

Where can i get the previous mastercomfig versions ? I've tried looking around, couldn't find something.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Game lag on class switch. in Customization

Recently, i've started to experience about 1-2 seconds lag when i switch class (does not apply for loadout binds for quick respawns, those work just fine). During that period, the audio is looped with no motion on the screen. Weird part is that movement is detected, because today i ended up switching classes on last hold and ended up walking into a soldier and scout before i could do anything.
I'm using the latest mastercomfig Low preset (8.2.2) with no added modules, my autoexec overrides and class.cfg files are in cfg/user, running the game in dxlevel 95, but i have tried to do it with 81, 90 and 95, no difference. I had the mat_dxlevel command in my autoexec.cfg, removed it and changed it with -dxlevel in the launch options and removing it after applying it, doesn't change a thing. I'm not using any scripts in my configs, the only things i use are minor overrides in the autoexec (check the attached image for autoexec). My class cfgs only use binds for primary, secondary and melee weapon viewmodels, along with net settings. I've played with those exact same settings for ages without a problem. Removing the class config doesn't fix the issue, as well.


I've tried fixing this for about a month, i can't figure out what the problem is and i've given all the information i can that would prove useful for troubleshooting this. Any ideas ?

posted about 5 years ago
#1 LF 6s Scout Mentor in Mentoring

Hello, i'm darkySp,

Scout main playing in ETF2L's Open division.
I have 2 6s seasons behind my back, and about to play my 3rd one, and while i did learn some things, i see that i'm cemented in a position, where i can't find a direction, what i'm doing wrong, when, and how i can prevent that, and that has been going for months now.
The reason why i'm searching for a Mentor is for advice on overall gamesense and DM.

I hope we can work things out and thanks for any help in advance!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 LF Scout Mentor in Mentoring


I'm darkySp and i'm playing as a pocket scout in open division in ETF2L 6s.
Since lately all of us in the team found out that we're lacking in performance and general play, we decided to use the free time we have to watch demos, and search for mentors.
I, myself, tried watching demos, but i need a word in my ears to really absorb information.
So that's why i'm here; To search for someone that's well-experienced to mentor me, and give me criticism and to just point me in the right direction and to tell me what i should do and how to.

Thanks for reading and i hope someone shows up. Have a nice day/night!

posted about 8 years ago