(21/8/19) UPDATE: Updated and Reworked Some stuff so I could use it at lan.
m0rebuBBle hud
Hey, I've been a huge fan of m0rehud and m0rehud black and so at some point I decided to mix them togheter since there was things I like more in one than the other. Eventually this lead me to learn hud editing and in the end instead of just mixing a few elements from both huds, I ended up modifying most elements taking ideas from other huds, until I ended up with something I was confortable with.
I'm still not proud of using m0rehud as base but when I realized that I could have done it from scratch, it was to late in the project just to dump it.
4:3 According to my friend QBown_ works expect for the score board, spectator tournament, killfeed? , and mvm sutff.
I've made this hud for myself, therefore I don't expect anyone to like it and I will only update it when I feel like it.
PS: I only publish with the "hope" that someone will enjoy it, even tho I highly doubt it.
Hypnotize - For keeping m0rehud alive.
Quik - For m0rehud black.
Doodle - For his AMAZING hud guide.
Smesis - I kinda stole one or two things from his hud. ;p