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Last Posted March 28, 2022 at 10:32 PM
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#30 cool album covers/art in Music, Movies, TV

some favorites:

Oneohtrix Point Never - R Plus Seven (Robert Beatty)
Sweet Trip - Velocity : Design : Comfort
Fishmans - Long Season
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock (James Marsh)
Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children
Lemon Jelly - Lost Horizons
Marc Leclair - Musique pour 3 Femmes Enceintes
Jon Hassell - Aka / Darbari / Java
Jan Jelinek - loop-finding-jazz-records
Shackleton - Music For The Quiet Hour / The Drawbar Organ EPs
The KLF - Chill Out
Stars of the Lid - And Their Refinement of the Decline
Woob - woob 1194 (The Designers Republic)
Time Hecker - Ravedeath, 1972
Duster - Stratosphere
Laurie Anderson - Big Science
Pitcher56 - Her Abiding Memory
Steely Dan - Aja
Michael Pisaro - Nature Denatured and Found Again
Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians (Grand Valley State New Music Ensemble)
Nemo - In Stereo
Gas - Pop
Eliane Radigue - Trilogie de la Mort
Slowdive - Pygmalion
Cluster - Grosses Wasser
Oval - 94 Diskont

big fan of albums that sound like how their covers look

posted about 2 years ago
#32 music production techniques that make you nut in Music, Movies, TV
GrapeJuiceIIII like chopped vocals such as in "Way It Goes" by Hippo Campus, or "Feeling Better" by Michal Menert

this is usually achieved via some sort of delay, or, more likely, a gate triggered by sidechain input.

GrapeJuiceIIII also like when songs bleed into each other on an album such as on Adventure by Madeon (e.g. Isometric -> You're On, or Beings -> Imperium ) or on Even If It Isn't Right by Michal Menert (e.g. Hi -> The Same Disease -> Cassiopeia, or New Beginning -> Winter's End, but tbh the whole album does this)

i love when this happens, too, and albums that do this are usually referred to as gapless albums. makes it sound like you're listening to one long song as opposed to a bunch of individual songs. some albums off the top of my head that do this include Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon (or any prog album, really), The KLF's Chill Out, Orbital's The Middle of Nowhere, Time Hecker's Ravedeath, 1972, or any classical/live recordings. this is also why i like dj sets because they're continuous mixes of songs that transition seamlessly from one to the next (e.g. 1, 2, 3).

some of my favorite production elements/techniques:

- the way the entire song stops at 7:11 on Aphex Twin's "Ziggomatic 17" for a single note to be played, then picks right back up
- the vocal harmonies on Low's "Days Like These" coupled with the bone-crushing walls of distortion at 1:17
- usage of sub-bass in ambient contexts such as Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement's "Jungle is a Shapeshifter" or Stars of the Lid's "Requiem for Dying Mothers, Pt. 2"
- the fact that the "snare" in Jan Jelinek's "Them, Their" is a single dirac delta impulse just blows my mind
- dub-style delay in non-dub contexts like in Pub's "Summer"
- fusions of ethnic/traditional percussion and instrumentation with electronics in Muslimgauze's "Mullah Said" and Shackleton's "Music for the Quiet Hour, Pt. 3"
- the usage of general midi soundfonts on Oneohtrix Point Never's "Problem Areas" and CFCF's "Rain Dance"
- the swelling vocal samples and synths in the background of Lemon Jelly's "Oats"
- how well the metronome works in Porter Robinson's "Mother"
- influences of classical minimalism in non-classical songs such as Event Cloak's "Life Strategies" or Tortoise's "Ten-Day Interval"
- the bit crushing that happens at 2:13 on Daft Punk's "Short Circuit"
- the super urban-sounding drum loop that underpins the entirety of Bowery Electric's "Fear of Flying"
- general usage of fat-sounding analog synth basses like on Jessie Ware's "Please" and Underworld's "Jumbo"
- sample incorporation of any kind ranging from The Avalanches' Since I Left You (also a gapless album) and DJ Shadow's Endtroducing....., to The Books' The Lemon of Pink and Girl Talk's Feed the Animals

posted about 3 years ago
#22 TF2 community leaders partner with BTS for 2020 event in News


posted about 5 years ago

just going to leave this here

posted about 6 years ago
#1536 It begins! in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#68 4 word story in Off Topic

dear god please send

posted about 7 years ago
#1357 It begins! in Off Topic
this 'll be interesting

holy jesus ur a god

posted about 7 years ago
#1355 It begins! in Off Topic
this 'll be interesting

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Name Change in Requests

I kindly request for my name to be changed to "deepsummersee". Thanks in advance.

posted about 7 years ago
#82 making your tf2 look blocky again in Customization
trippai think +mat_showlowresimage 1 in launch options crashes tf2 right away now. rip blocky rocket smoke

Can confirm; crashes right away when sv_cheats is reverted back to 0. It even crashes when the command itself is reverted back to 0.

posted about 9 years ago