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Signed Up August 26, 2012
Last Posted April 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM
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#10 return of GXL lan in LAN Discussion

oh damn i might need to go, hit those bars and BEER HEAVEN aka best store in philly

yeah, count me in

posted about 11 years ago
#49 If you could never play again... would you cry? :( in Off Topic

i think you'll be fine eventually but it's going to take quite some time i can assure you that

i skateboarded for a long time, i've had countless injuries like broken fingers, fractured wrist, ankle etc and around the time when i was playing cs 1.3 in comp i just stopped for a lonnnnnnnnnnng time, i quit gaming for a few years just took a step back, healed up and kept skating but even when i was gaming a bit i had severe pain in my wrist/hand and it was too much so i just stopped. it was really built up for a while even when i didn't have bad injuries just always bailing or falling just took a toll, i had pretty bad tissue damage in my ankle at one point too and that was really awful to say the least. it really does suck no question but you're more than likely in need of a serious break, a bit of a hiatus yeah it couldn't hurt. hopefully you'll be back on soon !

posted about 11 years ago
#43 A new broeselhud update is in the works! in TF2 General Discussion

is this out, please broesel please

posted about 11 years ago
#166 SKILL_ENHANCER in Mentoring
mustardoverlordI don't mean to suggest that it's impossible for a relatively lower-level player to give accurate feedback, I just think it's dumb that the protection of an alt allows someone who otherwise wouldn't be taken seriously to have some level of importance

if people really had balls they'd rate people on their main account, but no one other than like plat has done that

you don't do shit all unless you got a heal beam shoved up your ass (even then still quetionable play) , and hey clip your string there chatty cathy, you talk enough to give a whole team aids

boom, rated

boom, rated

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Most of you in Off Topic

do you shove diamonds up your asshole or what, no spit or lube from your fellow miners????loollll?? must be torn up pretty bad might wanna see a doctor about that

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Most of you in Off Topic

oh thats why his alias is black diamond, i get the reference now you got the jungle mine fever

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Most of you in Off Topic

that's not dust he's breathing in, his lungs are coated with a sticky substance

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Most of you in Off Topic

ingin has a lot of experience with smoking, especially smoking cock i mean lets get real here for a second he's surrounded by dudes all day digging for coal (WHAT ARE THEY REALLY DIGGING FOR? L000000000000l;;L;LL0)

posted about 11 years ago
#40 SKILL_ENHANCER in Mentoring


also this is gonna blow up, too many people to respond to at once and the thread will die

i call it like i see it man

posted about 11 years ago
#183 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 11 years ago
#181 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

ok d00d

posted about 11 years ago
#179 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 11 years ago
#68 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion
lamefxdfyIn what sense are they not willing to do so? do they join up and say no i'm not into that i'd rather play, or are they just not willing to show up and spec at all? You should have stricter guide lines when picking certain coaches if that's the case.
Defy, you're all talk, no action. If you yourself can't coach, please find us 10-20 players who are qualified to coach and are willing to spec games for a couple hours on a weekly basis.

If you want to help, do this. 4 more posts about how speccing>playing isn't really gonna help.

You should look back at my first post referring to the time they choose to do these mixes.

i'll definitely try to coach again, are these always on friday or saturday? i think you should push for sunday as well might make it easier to get more coaches. even though most teams scrim on sundays, not everyone does. and i'm going to assume most of the players that populate the newbie mixes are teamless since they're just getting into 6s

I said I would try to coach again, I'm not always around on the weekend but i think sunday is definitely a better option then friday and saturday.

Also why do you jump the gun and say i'm not helping? I'm giving noona feedback which he clearly needs at the moment. Even if i were to coach next weekend that doesn't mean a bunch of new coaches will magically appear after my suggestions.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion

In what sense are they not willing to do so? do they join up and say no i'm not into that i'd rather play, or are they just not willing to show up and spec at all? You should have stricter guide lines when picking certain coaches if that's the case.

posted about 11 years ago
#64 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion

You should honestly just have coaches spec, even if you were to have them only play medic they really don't have eyes on everyone the entire game. For example...if the other team decides to do a really aggressive push on the flank of a certain map, if you're on medic and just holding a choke with your solly/demo you really don't know whats going on. If someone dies and you didn't see how you cant really pick the situation apart. Maybe give them an idea of better spots to hold, knowing when to back out and sync up with your team etc etc things like that.

When you're in spec you have eyes on everything that's going on, you can see what your team decides to do in certain situations and how they react to the other teams play. When you toss 1 experienced player in with a bunch of newbs their essentially just in a pug comming, you can only explain so much during the game its self before you clog the comms and just keep blabbing away about what to do. I feel like in spec you're able to give way more insight since you have an overview of the entire game. Essentially it's like a demo review, when someone specs a match/scrim even if its not an stv and a pov they can really say whats going on, what happened in certain situations and how other players reacted things like that.

posted about 11 years ago
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