Account Details
SteamID64 76561197997356746
SteamID3 [U:1:37091018]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:18545509
Country United States
Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted December 3, 2019 at 5:04 PM
Posts 919 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.1
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech g400s
Keyboard $10 logitech keyboard from walmart
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones shitty walmart earbuds
Monitor ViewSonic 120hz
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#53 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic
Lunacideinteresting decision to try to walk back across bridges that have been burnt to a crisp

idk I guess I just thought the tf2 community is supposed to be an awesome one that helps out others when they are down in the dirt but I guess the tf2 community thing to do (most people are alright but there are a select few) is bring up shit that happened years and years ago and talk shit to someone who actually tried to kill themselves last year and thankfully survived (and make jokes about it on tftv in this thread) and is struggling more right now than they ever have. I'm sorry for those of you that I shit on in the past but that was years ago so try to look past that and help out someone in need. I don't care who you are you could be fucking bape and I would still try to help you out in anyway I can instead of just shitting on him for who he was years ago. I'm not posting anymore in this thread it's clearly going nowhere aside from the few of you who have added me and said things I can actually use to help me so thanks!

posted about 5 years ago
#44 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic
GrapeJuiceIIII’m not gonna give you money but I will give you advice. bkn said something about getting a job at McDonald’s is better than no job, and I definitely agree, working at McDonald’s is great, HOWEVER, as of right now hours are getting cut and people are getting scheduled for less hours, and it is probably like this for most restaurant chains at this time of year. I would definitely recommend trying to find 2 jobs if possible and figuring out scheduling between the 2 to maximize cash flow. I was getting scheduled for 30+ hours a week when I started at McDonald’s 3 months ago because it was still summer and busy and all that, but now I’m getting scheduled for around 15-20 ish hours. The timing could not be worse for you to lose your job which is terrible, but you just gotta keep pushing through and literally ask EVERYWHERE POSSIBLE for a job.

Good luck.

Thanks man really appreciate it <3

posted about 5 years ago
#41 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic

Wow something from 2014/2015 Thanks for the really productive picture!

posted about 5 years ago
#39 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic
SleepingLifeMaybe you should pretend to kill yourself again and see if you get better results for your funeral fund.

That's really funny. I actually did try to kill myself so maybe don't joke about that shit

posted about 5 years ago
#38 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic
SylentDon't know who you are, e-begging is sad, having a life where you have literally zero friends or family that'd help you is even sadder so you might wanna work on that when you're done digging yourself out of this hole

Anyway, that being said, go make a profile on upwork, it's a site where you can do low skilled jobs online, I know a few people that use it, you can find a gig on it within a day or two tops. They don't pay much, $4-6 an hour but that's infinitely more than the $0 you're making right now, and you don't even have to leave the house. You can do shit like transcription, research, entering data and other zero skill jobs, or if you have any specific skills, look for those categories

Thanks man I will look into that I really appreciate that. I have friends and family they just aren't financially able to help out right now.

posted about 5 years ago
#34 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic
mdflame[ One day you'll grow up and mature just like I have and I wish you the best of luck!
ya i cant wait to be a big boy in my late 20s with 0 life skills asking for handouts on the forum of a videogame community that i spent almost a decade alienating myself from

you should give some self-help seminars, man. maybe you can make a living doin that!

0 life skills? lol whatever bro yeah I was a young immature kid who didn't know how to control my emotions but I'm older and much more mature now but I don't see how bringing up my past has literally ANYTHING to do with me right now in 2019. People change, you can't always see people for who they were in the past... Thanks man I'll look into that!

posted about 5 years ago
#31 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic
jrodKeep on posting on tf.tv instead of looking for a job dflame u degen

I'm filling out apps online while I'm browsing tftv. Keep talking shit bro

posted about 5 years ago
#29 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic
torrit3dont care, didnt ask, plus you were* a shitbag dflame
posted about 5 years ago
#26 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic
Lastly mason, did you really gotta come on here and say something like that. But tell bape I said thanks! :)

i was having a good day til i came across this thread

now im having a great day

hope ur pathological lying, unrelenting delusion, complete lack of accountability and 5 man diamond overwatch streams all pay off!

seems like they already are, actually

Cool dude no one cares. Pathological lying? Unrelenting delusion? Complete lack of accountability and 5 man diamond overwatch streams all pay off? Do you really gotta be that low?!? I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about but if it's what I'm assuming it's probably all the shit I did from like 2012??? 7 years ago????. One day you'll grow up and mature just like I have and I wish you the best of luck! Stop living in the past bro

posted about 5 years ago
#21 LOST JOB - NEED HELP TFTV in Off Topic

Thank you for those of you that posted some productive responses. I've been looking for a job for a week or two now and still haven't found anything. I've thought about selling my PC and as far as my tf2 items and stuff I want to sell them but I want to sell them for actual cash and not just to my steam wallet and I'm not 100% sure how to go about that and also for those of you that are saying "oh im on here begging for money instead of looking for a job or doing this or doing that..." I've been looking for a job and doing everything I can to try to find a way to make money. I'm struggling and have been extremely depressed which hasn't helped at all :(

Anyways if anyone can help out my paypal is in the OP. Someone sent $10 so I just wanna say thank you for that!

Lastly mason, did you really gotta come on here and say something like that. But tell bape I said thanks! :)

posted about 5 years ago

Hello, it is I dflame. I didn't want to make this thread but I feel like I have no choice at this point in time. I already know I'm probably gonna get shit on and that's okay. Anyways, I was recently let go from my job and I'm so financially fucked right now it's not even funny and I have no one to really turn to. I know I was a shit person in the past but I haven't been like that for a long time. I've also been extremely depressed because of all of this and haven't been able to sleep at all. Not to mention my car took a giant shit on me recently and I had to use what money I had saved to fix it right before I was let go from my job :(. Anyways If anyone would be willing to help me out of this super difficult time I'd be so extremely grateful, even just a little will help it all adds up. If anyone wants to talk at all or can help me out I will leave my paypal link as well as my steam profile below. Thank you TFTV! <3

Also I know my paypal link says "tsmtopgun" but that is me I just was using it for my stream I've been trying to start. (im not actually on tsm either its just a meme before anyone asks lol)


PAYPAL - paypal.me/tsmtopgun


posted about 5 years ago
#2 dflame lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 5 years ago
#11 mix^ season 31 in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawdflameI'd love to see Mix^ come back and try to dethrone Froyo in the last season. Honestly tf2 was at its prime when Mix^ and Froyo/LG/whatever lol were going back and forth and having super close games.They have not played for 5 years

god dude you are making me feel old hahaha

posted about 5 years ago
#9 mix^ season 31 in TF2 General Discussion

I'd love to see Mix^ come back and try to dethrone Froyo in the last season. Honestly tf2 was at its prime when Mix^ and Froyo/LG/whatever lol were going back and forth and having super close games.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 dflame lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've been super busy with real life stuff for a while but I would like to play again for the last season of ESEA. Can start or backup. I mainly play scout at a IM level but wouldn't be opposed to trying roamer or demo in open or even scout. Open every night. I know I had some problems in the past but I'm older now. I'm just trying to improve and have some fun with a good group of people. Feel free to check out my esea profile and add me on steam below. Thanks!

Edit: I forgot to mention I can play either flank or pocket scout. I like getting heals but I feel like my calling isn't always the best so I do like playing the flank.

ESEA History :
ESEA-O S13: Tonight's Entertainment (3rd Playoffs)
ESEA-IM S14: Tonight's Entertainment (10th)
ESEA-IM S15: Tonight's Entertainment (1st Playoffs)
ESEA-IM S16: Tonight's Entertainment (5-4)
ESEA-O S16: Goldman Sachs (2nd Playoffs)
ESEA-IM S17: The Fantazzmagazzlers (7-9)
ESEA-O S18: SYOPS TF2 (5th Playoffs)
ESEA-IM S19: egyptian flamingos (9-7) 8th playoffs
ESEA-IM S20: ExultanceTF2 (14-2) 3rd/4th playoffs
ESEA-IM S21: frickin awesome gamers (6-2)
ESEA-I S22: Sal's Canal (2-14)
ESEA-IM S23: el farmo (6-7)
ESEA-IM S24 (played 2 matches in invite and then subbed for a IM team the rest of the season)
ESEA-O S25: Cat Noises (18-4) 4th playoffs

ESEA Profile/Full ESEA history: http://play.esea.net/users/401083?tab=history

STEAM Profile: http://www.steamcommunity.com/id/_zeroskillz

posted about 5 years ago
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