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Country Nepal
Signed Up August 14, 2012
Last Posted March 6, 2025 at 11:58 AM
Posts 1004 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ⋅⋅ 65
#8 Fun things to do while under the influence? in The Dumpster

cosmos was alright i liked the original more
i normally just play tf2 or watch really bad movies

posted about 10 years ago
#30 It's all dull in Off Topic

put ur arms behind ur head
and like
twist ur torso to the left

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Favorite MSN Messenger emoticon? in Off Topic

they dont have a snowman


posted about 10 years ago
#5 ESEA Invite Season 17 Power Rankings: Week 7 in News

can we not write any more like this

posted about 10 years ago
#10 ESEA Invite Season 17 Power Rankings: Week 6 in News


posted about 10 years ago
#7 Horror Games? in Other Games

when i played penumbra overture for the first time i hid behind a barrel for like 30 minutes because there was this scary ass demon dog thing

posted about 10 years ago
#5 ESEA Invite: Street Hoops eSports vs. wood pig in Events
spac3this will be better than the i52 finals

basically the same

posted about 10 years ago
#69 Who is leaving? in TF2 General Discussion



posted about 10 years ago
#167 i52 best players in TF2 General Discussion
PhunkWARHURYEAHPlatinumCome to America for a rematch. Gxl Oct 10-121. We don't play Granary, Process, Gullywash, Badlands or Snakewater.

what maps does that even leave? im pretty sure that leaves just viaduct as a map both na and eu play in a season


posted about 10 years ago
#17 Presenting yourself in TF2 General Discussion

tell everyone you identify yourself as a pansexual frog

posted about 10 years ago
#15 LAN POVs in TF2 General Discussion

1st 1 to download plats povs make a mirror

posted about 10 years ago
#70 i52 best players in TF2 General Discussion
Try to come to lan, stand behind mike and not ejaculate every 2 minutes cause of his rockets.
It was ridiculous how good he played and while Zebbo is very good there is no way he would be better in a team like epsi.
You just have to watch the Mix^ Epsilon game on gullywash and there is seriously no doubt mike was the best pocket this lan.
Yuki was fucking great too he always seems to be able to get onto the flank and get 1-2 picks during his ubers.
dingo15 airshots
Basti you are just repeating what I said about his DM.

A DM monster who can pull off 15 airshots in a game should easily be able to get more than +25 kills every game no?

Though I will stop at this point as I have limited knowledge about 6s and I say out what I saw. And I can't help and feel there are some points that I am wrong (due to as I said I have limited knowledge)

That still doesn't mean however that Mike was disappointing. Compare Mike's stats with Lansky's, TLR's Blaze's, and Seagull's.

the airshots thing was about yuki on snake rofl
at least you admitted ur a retard who has no idea what hes talking about
edit also you comparing the stats of the team that won vs the team that lost is never gonna look good for the team that lost

posted about 10 years ago
#64 i52 best players in TF2 General Discussion

15 airshots

posted about 10 years ago
#60 i52 best players in TF2 General Discussion
HedoKingogludingomike had retardedly good dm and did really well
epsi's scouts got kinda smashed in the grand finals
name a single soldier in europe that would have done better than mike on epsi


bad ammo management
always takes at least 2k more damage than the other pocket
worse dm than mike

HedoKingogluEdit: I like how you don't even read what I am saying. I am saying that mike should've done better and you are reading like I said that mike is a shitty player lol.

ur putting the blame in the wrong place m8

posted about 10 years ago
#56 i52 best players in TF2 General Discussion

mike had retardedly good dm and did really well
epsi's scouts got kinda smashed in the grand finals
name a single soldier in europe that would have done better than mike on epsi

posted about 10 years ago
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