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SteamID64 76561198069861760
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Country Pirate
Signed Up July 22, 2014
Last Posted August 5, 2019 at 4:58 PM
Posts 796 (0.2 per day)
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#9 Selling mice + gear in Hardware

i bought the last mouse from jrod and everything went really smooth. its a really good mouse so dont pass up this deal.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 lf high open scouts s30 in Recruitment (looking for players)

the team is parting ways after playoffs. good luck in your search.

posted about 6 years ago
#5633 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

how would i go about changing the buff/hurt colors (for health and ammo) on collyhud?

i tried changing the colors in hudhealthaccount from

"PositiveColor" "43 195 123 255"
"NegativeColor" "255 0 0 255"


"PositiveColor" "22 135 255 255"
"NegativeColor" "200 45 45 255"

but the colors didnt change. i have a feeling im supposed to do something else but idk what.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 lf mid open med for the rest of s29 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Posting on behalf of jay because he cant post for whatever reason.

Looking for a med main that's not toxic and willing to take criticism. Had a few roster changes due to asian and schooling stuff but we feel that our record doesn't represent our actual skill.

We picked up storm!!!

Flank Scout - YumYum
Pocket Scout - Insane
Roamer - jayy
Pocket - dom
Demo - mizmooz
Med - storm warning

subs - ???

We scrim Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays, and the occasional 10:30 EST Weds. We also do demo and map reviews together whenever needed.

add jay here -
team page -

posted about 6 years ago
#7 lft fragging class in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump i really want to improve in a team environment!!

also if anyone would be interested in making a pugscrim team in the meantime hit me up!

posted about 6 years ago
#82 Grape Juice LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

grape is a really good roamer and deserves an equally good and stable team.

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grape juice: :3
posted about 6 years ago
#1 lft fragging class in Recruitment (looking for team)

i found a team. thanks to everyone who posted.

posted about 6 years ago
#5564 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

how can i add a small charge label under the crosshair to any hud i end up using. i know its supposed to go in hudmediccharge.res but idk anything else. also if i wanted to remove the larger charge number would i do visible/enable 0 for the normal charge label? thanks ahead of time!

posted about 6 years ago
#25 2018 Faceit London Major Thread in CS2 General Discussion

swiss system is such an awful format!!!! just bring back gsl with bo3's to get out of the group which isnt necessarily the best format but its better than having the first two rounds being astralis vs navi then faze vs navi. the whole legends system is kind of a joke. also this has been a pretty bad event in terms of gameplay delays format etc.

posted about 6 years ago
#24 2018 Faceit London Major Thread in CS2 General Discussion

i feel like this is what most people's pickem is going to look like. deep down i kind of want to put a vega/tyloo/big over mouz or even navi (although simple and electronic can easily carry them through this stage of the tournament) but its just hard to do. i also dont know how i feel about the nip pick because other than beating astralis in 4OT (on a map astralis keeps trying to flex as a solid map for them but end up losing/having way too close of a game on it) they're run has been fairly easy. they looked okay at stockholm but again they had the easiest run to the semis. also dennis hasnt been playing that well in this team but i feel like they can win a few bo1s to scrape by.

posted about 6 years ago
#17 2018 Faceit London Major Thread in CS2 General Discussion
Gritomai wanna see space soldiers turn some heads this major

i feel like they're the dark horse of this major and can bring some upsets

they are playing 4v5 so that isnt going to happen. they'd be lucky to win a game in the challengers stage if anything.

edit: N OMEGALUL RTH there goes most people's pick em.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 2018 Faceit London Major Thread in CS2 General Discussion

Since no one has made one yet.

Who do you expect to win? Who do you want to win? Who are your dark horses? Who do you think will under perform or bomb out in either phase? What teams/match ups are you excited to see play? What are your pick 'ems?

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Despite the recent result, Astralis is probably going to win because they definitely are holding back on some strats and device and dupreeh were insane most of Stockholm. I really want either North or Liquid to win. My dark horses are MiBR and fnatic. I think NaVi has a good chance of under performing again and mouz could also underwhelm. I'm excited to see what Liquid will do since they weren't at DH Stockholm and I would love an Astralis v North rematch at some point. My pick 'em
posted about 6 years ago
#12 dominic lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

everything in smesi's post is completely warrented. i was a piece of shit to him and many others in the community whether it be being a bully or racist remarks or whatever else. i can say confidently i am a vastly different person than i once was. i went to therapy and fixed a lot of my issues that caused me to be such an awful person to the people around me. i cant change anything of what i have done in the past even though i wish i could. the only thing i can do is apologize to the people i negatively affected and continue to try and be a better person moving forward like i believe i have been the past year or so. if there is ANYONE who would like to reach out to me and just talk to me about what i've done to you, i would love to hash it out. i know not everyone will forgive me and i'd never expect them to but i hope i can at least apologize for what i've done.

as for the in game remarks i've gotten a lot better at understanding my mistakes and fixing them instead of putting blame on others and the whole scout thing was a meme, i would never actually think my scout was above mid open.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 dominic lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump because im really bored. if someone needs a gamer last minute, hit me up! as of now i can scrim daily and what not but i cant say that'll stay the same further into the season if i need up getting this job at this one company so just a warning. i'd prefer to soldier/demo but im willing to med too.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 F P T Looking in Recruitment (looking for team)

the silentest fragger there is. tea is a super nice dude and he could definitely play on a top open/low im team but like he said he needs to play on a team with a maincaller or at least have a talkative roamer that can reign him in on the flank sometimes.

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posted about 6 years ago
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