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Country Sweden
Signed Up February 21, 2017
Last Posted December 16, 2017 at 9:53 AM
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#1 Editing hud damage numbers location? in Customization

So i've been trying to move this to right below my crosshair by changing the xpos/ypos values of CDamageAccountPanel in "broeselhud_blue">"basefiles">"hudlayout.res". This changes the position of the wanted numbers, but also alters the "regular" damage numbers.

How do I just move the static numbers?

posted about 7 years ago
#79 Official KnucklesCrosses Release! in Customization

I know this is a really old post but on the off chance that somebody still reads this I have a question.

I wanna switch the colour of the crosshair so i type in 0 255 0 255 or whatever. The colour changes and all is fine and dandy... until i hit someone. The crosshair flashes red as it should but then turns black instead of my selected colour. I understand what is happening , but not where to fix it.

Anyone have any ideas?

posted about 7 years ago