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Signed Up June 6, 2013
Last Posted November 21, 2016 at 6:20 PM
Posts 274 (0.1 per day)
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Mousepad Razer Sphex (lol like it matters)
Headphones Beats
Monitor Acer 120hz
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#15 Chemistry anyone? in Off Topic
hyeonjooI graduated with my bachelors in Chemistry and currently work as an analytical chemist for a bio-chem manufacturing company. Probably not what I thought would happen after I graduated...I had wanted to go into research or some fancy R&D dept but most of the jobs (at least around here in the Northeast US) lie within the analytical chemistry realm. Which is kind of funny because it was my least favorite sub discipline (I enjoyed organic and inorganic the most). I loved my orgo and inorganic labs. My professors were pretty awesome and the labs themselves were challenging yet rewarding. I kept all the material/reserach in the hopes that I can (maybe) return to school for my masters. And actually the company I work for now has a tuition reimbursement program so that may be a possibility soon.

In any case.... TLDR - Chemistry is awesome.

Slaving over a lab table > slaving over lab data
any. fucking. day.
I hope you can make it to something better that you like more, this made me sad about my future.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Chemistry anyone? in Off Topic

I'm currently finishing up an undergraduate degree in Neurobiology with a focus in Chemistry
So, Organic Chemistry would be my realm

Chemistry's wicked cool. I took Inorganic this semester, and while it was rageworthy cause I didn't want to know it, it became interesting due to the power that those types of molecules have.

Some awesome advances in modern medicine are coming our way in the near future.
Also, palcohol.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 confused new team could use help in TF2 General Discussion
Niko_Jimssdrakulich 2015-01-16 at 3:46pm
ESEA requires the premium fee which my team will not be paying cause goodbye Felicia

Our team FFL this match, your site doesn't have the functionality of CEVO lel, and you're in your 18th season. Please disown TF2 so someone else has a worthwhile chance and does it better.

Our team is disbanded, FFL us for the rest of the season and obliterate my/our existence from your site, thanks.

Seems like a fun bunch.

lol am proud of that one you seem to be missing the humor in my/our disappointment both with ESEA and ourselves

Please, drop it. We just want to play the game, we're a team that's been together for a while, it'd be a shame to not play.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 confused new team could use help in TF2 General Discussion
cage-drak is a reliable source

We didn't know, Mikey and Simplicity didn't explicitly state it. Please, drop it.

Many thanks to those who helped us out so far. 2 more unpaid.

Again, I would have paid for myself, but I currently do not have money. As in, eating is a thing to think about. I'll be fine next month (speaking for myself, of course).

posted about 10 years ago
#13 My TF2 Sniper fragvideo in Videos
kirbyi skipped through the video and every time i did you missed about 4 times before hitting anything. i don't understand.Dreamboatguys Brazilian and makes a frag vid from tf2centers in america. He has lag assist and still misses a lot. jesus.

He's just being precise, y'know

posted about 10 years ago
#33 esea client in Q/A Help
I did a rough and quick calculation a few seasons back, but I doubt the numbers have changed much:


The entirety of league + subscription fees went directly into prize pot which was still further subsidized by ESEA.

Thanks, that's cool of you to have made that.
Welp, I guess it does make sense. There have to be so many players that don't care for a prizepot, I would imagine Open wouldn't have access to it and then it becomes a lot more fair? Why is the prizepot so large? Additionally, I would imagine they make their money through other means than direct player fees (sponsorships, donated resources, "ESEA Black" subscription lel), which makes me think of them not actually paying for the league from their "pocket".

It just rotates back around to that shitstorm thread about ESEA potentially not having enough for this season, where there has to be a better way than UGC or the CEVO attempt.

EDIT: But, that's for a different thread, which if others want to engage further, I'd be down to make for further discussion.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 esea client in Q/A Help
safrixdrakTo others: it was to be my first season in ESEA, and I had never bothered to think that it could be more than a one time fee, every season. The same goes for a few teammates.
esea has been around for 18 seasons and u didnt know that premium existed

People are exposed to different things at different times. I didn't know, I apologize for chastising everyone for their decisions. It'll be ok, just one team less in ESEA and we contributed (albeit now regretfully) to the season being solidified.

@27/28 GGWP thanks I was 16 and got into something I didn't understand and possibly for the wrong reasons. I am still integrating it.

Question back on topic, even though I'm sure the OG issue was resolved: do the league signup fees not cover the servers and organization required? To think of it, it does seem like it cuts close to pay employees with that amount of money, but it also could be within reason, I don't know how much they work on their TF2 leagues. As for the pug system, I doubt those things require repeated payment other than the original creation and the servers they run on.
Essentially, is the premium fee a digging for money because they have you in their pockets, multiple season subscribers of "Premium"?

posted about 10 years ago
#23 esea client in Q/A Help
kirbydrakDoes one need Premium to log into the client??

That's fucking moronic, I can't believe this is something that's accepted by the community. I misread the post where I didn't understand how the "paying up" worked. It's a monthly fee. A monthly fucking fee.

thanks for the ffw
thanks for the ffw
yeah shoutouts for keeping us in mid open

Why would you involve yourself like this?
That's just bm, we've played you before, it's been fun, I'm sorry a separate team decision led to you not being played with. We all missed out on fun, I think.

To others: it was to be my first season in ESEA, and I had never bothered to think that it could be more than a one time fee, every season. The same goes for a few teammates.
Port forwarding needed for the client on top of everything? Not for me nor my teammates, we have our losses. We'll go populate UGC whatever and at least not have the hassle of "no refunds" in the first place.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 esea client in Q/A Help

Does one need Premium to log into the client??

That's fucking moronic, I can't believe this is something that's accepted by the community. I misread the post where I didn't understand how the "paying up" worked. It's a monthly fee. A monthly fucking fee.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 tftv layout configurator in Site Discussion

you do the good deeds around these parts


posted about 10 years ago
#20 ESEA Invite Season 18 Preview in News

This season is going to be great

I hope all the players have a good time, and for those in new teams and new slots, that everything goes well.

Good luck to all!

posted about 10 years ago
#7 TO THE DUMPSTER in The Dumpster


posted about 10 years ago
#76 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Fucking give me my free league so I can stop giving a fuck about survival of TF2 and just play the game I want to play.

This is ridiculous, LANs can be made without a league fee to sponsor it. People will play for no prize pool.

NOT having a league, even for a season, will heavily hinder TF2's continued existence.

EDIT: Snip, my team is paying up, sorry for my mistake on the nature of the ESEA league fee

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Xiaomi earbuds in Hardware

I got the legit ones. The sound quality is *not as high* as it was hailed to be my users here.
Also, the cable frays very easily, and I had to tape the ends after 3 days of use.

However, aside from that, they are very well made in the earbud portion themselves, have decent sound quality, and have multiple earbud configurations (which allow for increased audio quality through isolation).

The packaging is fancy shmancy too, so if you're into that, it's naice.

I'd say they're definitely worth the $17 I paid for them. I've bought two iterations of knockoff $15 new age apple headphones, and while they worked for a while, the earbuds themselves stopped working with no signs of wear and tear on any part of the headphones. For that reason, I like my xiamois.

Sorry to those of you that got knockoff ones :/

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Invite Coverage: Opinions / Suggestions in TF2 General Discussion

This adds another layer to the involvement of our game

I for one take in any information like this gladly. Interviews let me meet the players. Your writeups let me contextualize the games. Frankly, it would mean a lot to me personally if you did this again.

Thanks for doing it in the first place.

posted about 10 years ago
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