hes aight
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SteamID64 | 76561198027739706 |
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Country | United States |
Signed Up | August 20, 2012 |
Last Posted | August 29, 2013 at 12:08 PM |
Posts | 219 (0 per day) |
dont post/say dumb shit and you should be fine.... prior to this thread
i would say quake cause it has the most amount of skills you can master when compared to the other two. In cs you can be a great player by just having amazing aim and positioning, in tf2 you can have very average aim but be a great team player, but in quake its a combination of movement, positioning, aim and item control
sounds like tfc adl
clckwrkdrmtcMYLESdrmtcis this really what invite has come to? I can see why the best players already quit
I personally don't expect those two teams to do all that well in invite sadly ;-;
Plus xensity seems kind of odd being in invite after so long. I might as well say this. CMU back to lan, b4nnys team at lan, Bro/Whale at lan, AG at lan =\ But who am I to say without seeing the rosters, NO ONE I SAY! NO ONE!
Good luck S13 invite players
What im saying is that tf2 is a very VERY team oriented game as im sure all of you will agree, and because of that you can have a team of average players that work well together and put them in invite, like kapowww's team. some may say this is a good thing, but the sad part is that individual skill is greatly reduced in this game, as compared to, for example, team fortress classic. this is why you cant stick TLR on a shitty open team and expect to win against a team better than shitty open, cause they will just expose the teams weakness, which in this case would be everybody except for TLR and the medic (this rule might have an exception with the scout class). You can also see that my logic is sound because banny's team didn't win lan this year, even though banny is "jesus".
tf2 is fun but the hl2 engine limits players so much and forces ppl to work together because individual classes were designed not to have much power (except maybe scout). if i were an invite player, i would get bored cause of all these newbies coming into invite by just playing "6v6 tf2" and getting good as a team, but bringing little to nothing new in terms of skill, strategy, and what you might call "movement" in tf2. i think its time to start thinking outside of standard 6v6 gameplay mentality and maybe begin to be more creative with team, and most importantly individual strategies. there is a reason tf2 introduces all these new weapons, but we just seem to ignore all the potential these weapons have and use them to serve standard tf2 6v6 gameplay.
I can see where you're coming from to an extent. I too wish that there was a different advanced form of movement. If bunny hopping were incorporated into this game I think I would be a lot better. But those advanced movement forms (bunny hopping, strafe jumping, conc) have all been replaced by sticky jumping and rocket jumping. Unfortunately you have to suck it up and realize that the old forms of movement that you and I might excel at are no longer relevant. And there is a lot of depth in rocket jumping and sticky jumping. I'm terrible at both even though I've been playing this game for 4 years.
And I think you're drastically underestimating the effect individual skill has in this game. Especially between teams of the same division, individual skill is a make or break attribute. b4nny might seem like Jesus to everyone and although he's crazy good at the game, so is everyone else on classic mixup. Mixup has(d) some of the best scouts in the game if not the best. The individual skill between enigma and ruwin leads to a lot of damage output, forcing opponents to back out and directing his team's damage toward less targets. There are a lot of times individual skill comes into play. I've hit good 60~ damage shots from mid range on scouts, and the only thing they can do at that point is run away, opening the flank and allowing the rest of the team to focus on the rest of the players with a man advantage.
Anyway, engine physics doesn't simplify this game as much as you think it does. That being said, soldier is gay.
thanks for your post showing your opinion, instead of just minus fragging me like 5 people just did... and yeah, a lot of what i was saying was just me being upset with the difference between tfc and tf2
MYLESdrmtcis this really what invite has come to? I can see why the best players already quit
I personally don't expect those two teams to do all that well in invite sadly ;-;
Plus xensity seems kind of odd being in invite after so long. I might as well say this. CMU back to lan, b4nnys team at lan, Bro/Whale at lan, AG at lan =\ But who am I to say without seeing the rosters, NO ONE I SAY! NO ONE!
Good luck S13 invite players
What im saying is that tf2 is a very VERY team oriented game as im sure all of you will agree, and because of that you can have a team of average players that work well together and put them in invite, like kapowww's team. some may say this is a good thing, but the sad part is that individual skill is greatly reduced in this game, as compared to, for example, team fortress classic. this is why you cant stick TLR on a shitty open team and expect to win against a team better than shitty open, cause they will just expose the teams weakness, which in this case would be everybody except for TLR and the medic (this rule might have an exception with the scout class). You can also see that my logic is sound because banny's team didn't win lan this year, even though banny is "jesus".
tf2 is fun but the hl2 engine limits players so much and forces ppl to work together because individual classes were designed not to have much power (except maybe scout). if i were an invite player, i would get bored cause of all these newbies coming into invite by just playing "6v6 tf2" and getting good as a team, but bringing little to nothing new in terms of skill, strategy, and what you might call "movement" in tf2. i think its time to start thinking outside of standard 6v6 gameplay mentality and maybe begin to be more creative with team, and most importantly individual strategies. there is a reason tf2 introduces all these new weapons, but we just seem to ignore all the potential these weapons have and use them to serve standard tf2 6v6 gameplay.
is this really what invite has come to? I can see why the best players already quit
his name is mustardoverlord
add bunnyhopping to competitive tf2