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Signed Up July 1, 2015
Last Posted November 27, 2016 at 1:13 AM
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#18 Help in choosing a monitor in Hardware
icyfrenzyErenJayicyfrenzygoods_consumericyfrenzygoods_consumerSlightly above your budget, but seems worth if you can stretch it that extra bit.That looks really good. I'll consider it, thanks!
On sale for $160 now.
I actually just realized something about the monoprice monitor: It isn't 3D ready.

Would this affect anything to games like TF2 and CSGO?
nah that's just the lame glasses 3d stuff that no one has cared about since like 2012
So it would play tf2, csgo, etc. like how it would on 3d ready monitors?

One more question, why is it cheap compared to other 144hz monitors? Is there a catch?

Yeah, this is a monitor that will work great for games. What it doesn't have is the capability to play 3D video, like the movies you watch in theaters that you need the special glasses for. It's cheap because monoprice sells its products under a generic name, and they source their stuff directly from factories rather than from a middleman.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Help in choosing a monitor in Hardware
icyfrenzygoods_consumerSlightly above your budget, but seems worth if you can stretch it that extra bit.That looks really good. I'll consider it, thanks!

On sale for $160 now.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 i55 Invite R2 – Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches
indecency"im fucking them in choke"

"i raped them"


posted about 9 years ago
#7 Help in choosing a monitor in Hardware

Slightly above your budget, but seems worth if you can stretch it that extra bit.

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Oneplus 2 in Off Topic
Platinumso i am pretty sure i've secured an invite from oneplus, i won one of the google cardboards for the launch and they effed up the shipping so i've guilted them into trying to get me an invite...but with doing some more research the moto x style (pure) looks pretty damn good as well. thoughts?

I'd wait to see how the Moto X turns out. The only things last year's model was lacking were a decent battery and camera, both of which seem to be fixed this time around. I'd say the tradeoff of gaining quick charging but losing the fingerprint scanner (compared to the OPT) is worth it, maybe not for you though.
Another option would be to wait for this year's Nexus devices. There have only been rumors so far, but if they turn out to be true they will be pretty impressive phones. Plus being Nexus phones, you'll have basically the same flexibility and options for customization you had with the OPO.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Oneplus 2 in Off Topic
R4ndomI know that the OPO is Water proof, do you guys know if they changed that on the OP2? I didn't find anything on their website.

Neither the One nor the Two are waterproof.

posted about 9 years ago
#166 The Keyboard Thread (last updated Sep. 24, 2013) in Hardware

Might be able to buy a used Leopold FC500R for around $40. Good idea?

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Earbuds in Hardware
oktober_xiaomi pistons + desk / clip on mic. the pistons are like 20$ and have the quality of 80-90$ range earbuds

Just make sure to buy from a reputable seller on Amazon, there are a lot of fakes on there.

posted about 9 years ago
#71 The Side Porn Show in Videos

sorry guys i tried


posted about 9 years ago
#513 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion

family business fires slower instead of faster

posted about 9 years ago
#505 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
BonafidekaidusI'm obviously not talking about the other, intended features.I honestly don't understand how you expected such a massive update to be smooth sail when we're talking tf2, especially when you've played the game for so many years

I agree that bugs aren't really surprising, but the scale of them for this update is pretty staggering. How many times have so many core mechanics been broken at once?

posted about 9 years ago
#367 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
Turinis there more pushback force from rockets?


posted about 9 years ago
#338 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
Superfuzzwonderlandjumping is extremely broken
What is broken about it? I haven't tested anything yet, but I don't remember seeing anything in the update that might break it.

Seems like you jump higher, tried with the original and LL.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Team Fortress 2 Update Released Jul 2 2015 in News

They even added outlines and health bars for cameramen \o/

Still can't see the name of the person if you're not friends with them

posted about 9 years ago
#315 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
Frost_BiteAdded individual player-ready state for tournament mode
Added new convar mp_tournament_readymode (allows tournament mode to use a per-player ready system)
Added new convar mp_tournament_readymode_min (minimum number of players required on the server before players can toggle ready status)
Added new convar mp_tournament_readymode_team_size (minimum number of players required to be ready per-team before the game can begin)
Added new convar mp_tournament_readymode_countdown (the number of seconds before a match begins when both teams are ready)


Added new convar tv_delaymapchange_protect (default 1) to prevent manual map changes if SourceTV has not caught up with a major event like the end of a round
Fixes tv_delaymapchange not preventing a manual map change on the dedicated server while SourceTV still has buffered data
Updated the tournament spectator GUI to sort players by class
Added teammate player glow outlines, names, and health bars for spectators
Server toggle: convar tf_spec_xray (defaults to on), Client can toggle in the Advanced Options menu

posted about 9 years ago
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