Do you ever plan on streaming or at least playing tf2 again? When you streamed every day for a few weeks some time ago were the only times I enjoyed watching twitch. Also can I have your class configs thanks
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198043116712 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:82850984] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:41425492 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | June 23, 2014 |
Last Posted | May 3, 2016 at 8:02 AM |
Posts | 7 (0 per day) |
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Headphones | |
Monitor |
Alright guys, I figured it out. I did the little "make a new administrator account" fix and I FINALLY got it to work.
erkstondid you try everything else in that thread? there's a lot of stuff
did you spell -nod3d9ex correctly in launch options (you spelled in wrong in the OP)
Yep, I got it correct and it still isn't working.
AlfieDo you have common/Team Fortress 2/hl2.exe added to Mumble's overlay application whitelist?
I've tried that.
erkstonedit the overlay options and move the list thing to the middle of your screen to make sure it's not just outside of what you can see
Just tried it. Doesn't work.
cbunzAsking the obvious question first...You're opening mumble before TF2, right?
*Edit : Maybe you can find help in this thread too -->
I tried all of the things in that thread except rolling back my video drivers which I don't want to fucking do just to get mumble to work.
cbunzAsking the obvious question first...You're opening mumble before TF2, right?
*Edit : Maybe you can find help in this thread too -->
Yes, I am starting Mumble before i start TF2. I'll check that thread and try all of the crazy things that everyone is saying to do.
Chrom3w0lfmake sure the overlay fits ur resolution
How would I do that? Not entirely sure I know what you're suggesting.
I can't see the overlay in-game at all. I play in 1440 x 900 res. I have tried putting that one nodex command in launch options, I have tried a custom overlay and I have tried re-installing mumble (and deleting the appdata). Nothing works, any suggestions?.
So I installed THIEF's crosshair( and I can get it to work fine it's just that I can't get it to work with the Brossel crosshair switcher. All I want is the fov and r_drawviewmodel to change, but instead it also changes the crosshair, any help?