HildrethIf there is a disappointing level of submissions, I still can't see why you don't go on ESEA, download the STV demo and look through clips from big games, or from ETF2L Premiership, doing it for both HL + 6's (it's in the rules yo'). If you expect people to subscribe for the Patreon campaign, I expect eXtv to take a step up in their production and take more of an initiative.
I don't disagree with anything you said but it still comes down to time being a major constraint for Luc and myself. On my side casting and organizing are higher priorities than finding clips for the top 10. On Luc's side, sorting and recording the clips we do get for the top 10 is already very time consuming. He gets that done while also working on all the other videos he produces. We're notorious for this series taking a while to produce. If it is a dire situation we will delay the video to find more clips. However if we have ten pretty good clips at the moment we can't justify spending a lot of time trying to find better clips.
The Patreon campaign has been very helpful for Luc, allowing him to take some time away from his other job to work on the Top10 and MoGs. We haven't reached our goal which would put Luc on a real part-time eXtv schedule or our goal of funding myself full-time.
If I was able to quite my job for eSports, either through our Patreon campaign or other resources, this would still be an issue for us. I'd have some time to track down clips from matches I've casted, but honestly we would still need help from players and spectators to make sure we're getting the best plays from around the globe.
We're very appreciative of everyone's support over the years <3