Hey Everyone,
Thanks for the initial feedback in regards to this post I just wanted to comment and state we did see this and have written down some things to forward to our operational team and product management team here at FACEIT to discuss as well. Can I say that everything discussed here will be implemented I do not know but nonetheless I appreciate the positive/negative feedback always as it is a great help to us in deciding what direction to go with TF2 on our platform.
I would also like to thank b4nny for making this post and letting everyone know about the current features we have on the hub system. There is also more in the works here so expect more updates for sure like today we just released an auto ban system for the captains who fail to actually pick a player during the captain/team picks phase. Granted most of our feedback is from Dota2 and CSGO, but I think that you will all be very happy with the upgrade to the hubs once we move TF2 into it.
I would also like to say that I appreciate the positive feedback that b4nny has also done in regards to playing devil's advocate for us as well in trying to come up with alternative methods in regards to things that are not quite perfect with the system and what you would expect or are used to as players in the community. Props go out to him big time.
Some other things we are looking to make changes to are adding more maps and items in the shop and also looking into making some changes to the current cup system based on feedback within our discord.
I look forward to talking with and chatting with everyone a whole lot more.