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SteamID64 76561198045312839
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:42523555
Country Canada
Signed Up August 30, 2015
Last Posted February 24, 2021 at 3:27 AM
Posts 27 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.2
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G403
Keyboard Vortex Race 3
Mousepad QCK+
Headphones HD598 + At2020USB+
Monitor Benq XL2430T
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#20 stop paying for esea premium rofl in Off Topic

I still have no clue who's paying my premium, I've been paid up since like 2017 and I haven't paid it once since then. I appreciate it but you should prolly stop giving esea your money

posted about 3 years ago
#1326 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

ggs, even tho i talked a lot of shit i wish you guys luck in your next match.

posted about 6 years ago
#1483 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mousiopeare you guys talking about this ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFgfzAwedEg
because i´ve always wanted to fix this without lowering the lod but that cvar didnt worked

That's an example of what was going on, ya. It fixed a bunch of those issues on multiple maps.

posted about 6 years ago
#1480 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
 r_renderoverlayfragment 0 
Put this in your custom.cfg. This shit drove me crazy as well and I couldn't remember the name of the command.

Yo this works perfect, thanks

posted about 6 years ago
#1478 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

How do I change the detail fade in distance? I'd like to either turn it off completely or make it always visible, as I find it disorienting to see it change when I'm in a fight. Running latest ver w/ medium preset.

posted about 6 years ago
#358 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

downfrag pov

posted about 6 years ago
#351 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Courtesy of pagedmov

ya i shit the bed in a scrim ur not wrong but im still better than pagedmov

posted about 6 years ago
#33 lft s28 in Recruitment (looking for team)

https://play.esea.net/teams/131308 thus begins my reign of terror as open demo

posted about 6 years ago
#72 Demo LFT high open team in Recruitment (looking for team)

*DEAD* JuJu : you're so fucking awful kill yourself

JuJu : i coulkd beat any of u guys in mge anytime

JuJu : get on your knees and pray to me
JuJu : Get on your knees and do your prayer

JuJu : maybe one day you'll be good like me ebsikl, keep working hard maybe you'll get there one day :)

JuJu : how fucking dumb do you have to be
JuJu : i dont get it
JuJu : how fucking dumb is this guy to see im trolling
JuJu : its actually near to the autism at this point


toxic retard dont pick up

posted about 6 years ago
#364 ESEA Season 27 Intermediate Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

ggs to the gugs, thanks so much for working around our roster/esea issues

posted about 6 years ago
#15 hat trouble in The Dumpster

7:20 PM - ebsikl: he shit talked me behind my back
7:20 PM - ebsikl: i thought he was my friend lol
7:21 PM - God of Mexican Salt: gay
7:21 PM - ebsikl: ya
7:21 PM - ebsikl: it made me pretty mad
7:21 PM - God of Mexican Salt: no
7:21 PM - God of Mexican Salt: ur g ay
7:21 PM - ebsikl: why
7:21 PM - God of Mexican Salt: because it would have been baller for the story to just be your a dick
7:21 PM - God of Mexican Salt: but now your bitching about your emotions and shit
7:21 PM - God of Mexican Salt: smh
7:21 PM - God of Mexican Salt: gay
7:22 PM - ebsikl: i wouldnt be a dick for no reason
7:22 PM - God of Mexican Salt: G
7:22 PM - God of Mexican Salt: A
7:22 PM - God of Mexican Salt: Y
7:22 PM - God of Mexican Salt: lost respect
7:22 PM - God of Mexican Salt: smh
7:22 PM - ebsikl: sorry for not being an asshole for no reason lol
7:22 PM - God of Mexican Salt: not forgiven
7:22 PM - God of Mexican Salt: delete the unusual

posted about 8 years ago
#34 frosty lft... I can't deal with this in Recruitment (looking for team)
frenzyxebsikl kills another team rip [*]
edit: Also like i said ebsikl has a habit of wanting 100% of the heals cause he thinks he can get a 6k everytime.

I say that in pugs as a meme you actual retard, and the team isn't dead

Edit: Also what team did I ever kill lmao

posted about 8 years ago
#25 frosty lft... I can't deal with this in Recruitment (looking for team)

Ok so let's go through all of this real quick.

levi_frostySo he starts banging his mouse on his desk and screaming at team-mates because that's the only way he can let out his anger.

I was getting mad at myself for missing easy shots, why the fuck would I get mad at the team for ME missing, I'm not retarded.

levi_frostySCREAMING at Falkinghammer about how he was supposed to be on top of point helping him when there's two things behind, sure you'd like to know why he wasn't there to help you, but you don't fucking scream in the middle of a mid when comms are important.

Actually, I wasn't screaming at him. I asked him where he was on mid, and he said behind train. I said ok, but we need your damage on mid to be able to do anything, especially on this map, and I asked him to sit in house. He said he couldn't, because a scout would always rush him. At this point I did get irritated, not gonna lie, and I said loudly. "Next time just say something and I'll play close with you so they can't do it" and we did just that the next mid. The mid was already over, we had lost it, and we were getting back to 2nd point.

levi_frostyIf he's not yelling, he's holding his ptt and mumbling something under his breath that we can all hear audibly and clear.

My mumbling consists of "Oh fuck me", or "fuck", or "goddammit". It's just something I say, and I can't really help my mic picking it up, since it picks people up on different floors of my house.

levi_frostyHe also likes to call teams terrible and refuses to 'try' against them, but then proceeds to get absolutely PISSED that we are tied to some "low open" team.

I do actually say shit like this a lot, but most of the times its not serious. I've only ever thrown in scrims once, and that was when I went sniper for a full round. Also, yes, I do get annoyed when we tie to some team I consider worse then us, because I feel like we're not playing how we should be playing.

levi_frostyAnyway, back to the scrim. We were trading ubers on badlands middle choke, and I called a good 2-3 seconds prior that this is a solo. He *INSISTED* (screamed flash x20) that he get flashed even though the other team had flashed 2.

At first I called that I wasn't coming in on the uber. Then, when I saw they flashed people, I called that I was coming in, and I needed a flash. They popped before us and flashed 2, and I played close, so that when their uber faded before ours I could be in and clean up, since they would be pretty hurt post uber since they pushed un-ubered into a choke and forced to us.

levi_frostySmak (my pocket) says, "Yeah" just before ebsikl bursts into this absolute rage calling me a "retard" and that none of this would've happened if I just "kept it on him."

I also said yeah, and I never said you should "keep it on me" there, I know I played too deep, and I know it was my fault for dying there, but I never blamed you for it.

levi_frostyNot only does he RARELY accept critism, he also makes the mumble environment terrible when he's not feeling a scrim.

I do get mad, yes, because I take it very seriously. But me "rarely accepting criticism" is just a flat out lie dude. Whenever we have a scrim, I try and get marmaloo to watch our scrims and sit in mumble to listen to comms and help us out. Whenever we have a ringer, the first thing I ask them after the scrim is how I can improve there. I try and incorporate criticism into my play, and yes, I do complain when I start playing shitty, I'm sure most people can relate.

And in case anyone is thinking that I'm attacking this guy or being a dick to him, here are some chat logs.

Show Content
3:20 PM - frosty: i can't play
3:20 PM - frosty: sorry
3:20 PM - ebsikl: I'm not blaming you
3:20 PM - ebsikl: I'm just saying my piece
3:25 PM - frosty: eh fuck it
3:25 PM - frosty: world needs to know
3:25 PM - ebsikl: Yeah
3:25 PM - ebsikl: Ty for being an adult about it and not getting mad at me
3:25 PM - ebsikl: I want to be friends still
3:25 PM - frosty: no
3:26 PM - ebsikl: Even if we cant work well on a team together
3:25 PM - frosty: i'm putting in my piece
3:26 PM - ebsikl: We can still be friends
3:26 PM - ebsikl: Ok
3:52 PM - frosty: you can read mine
posted about 8 years ago
#11 frosty lft... I can't deal with this in Recruitment (looking for team)

Ok look frosty, I understand not wanting to play with us anymore, but I feel like you shouldn't just be blaming me. Right after this happened, you rage quit scrims without saying a single thing. I apologized to you and asked you to come back, so we could finish up the scrim as it is shitty to leave during the 2nd round of a scrim against a team.

Your response was that I'm too toxic and that I don't take criticism seriously. I said "We had a better uber," and "They had flashed". I asked you to come back to mumble, at least to talk about what just happened. You said "There's nothing to talk about", and I responded with "We obviously have to talk about what just happened".

You came back into the mumble, and we talked for a solid minute before you left again. I asked if you would like us to get a ringer for you for the next scrim, OR if you wanted you could play the scrim and we could get a ringer for me. You said "Get me a ringer" and left the mumble. We didn't even talk about what happened during the scrim, or why we got into an argument in the first place.

Frosty look here man, don't just blame me for you leaving. Falking asked if we should cut you, and I said no, we shouldn't.

levi_frostysoooo... some called it, others just didn't know. Ebsikl is killing my drive to play medic, and makes my team's environment terrible when in game.

You should at least mention that your lack of ability to talk it out like a person that's supposed to be a team player contributed significantly to you leaving the team.

Downvote me all you want

Chat logs:

Show Content
9:15 PM - ebsikl: can you come back please
9:15 PM - ebsikl: im sorryh
9:15 PM - frosty: no you're too toxic and don't take critism seriously
9:15 PM - ebsikl: frosty
9:15 PM - ebsikl: we had a better uber
9:15 PM - frosty: until that flash
9:16 PM - ebsikl: they had flashed
9:17 PM - ebsikl: can you at least come back
9:17 PM - ebsikl: so we can talk about it
9:17 PM - frosty: there's nothing to talk about
9:17 PM - ebsikl: We obviously have to talk about what just happened

3:19 PM - frosty: look im not putting on a show
Frosty if you weren't putting on a show you wouldn't be blaming me for everything, you would've just made a new lft thread and said that you were looking for a team. Instead, you decided to blame me for everything, so, thanks.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 LFT IM med in Recruitment (looking for team)

good dude, good med, get this man a good team and he'll perform

posted about 8 years ago
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