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Last Posted November 12, 2024 at 1:27 PM
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#8 ÜBERFEST 2024 Thank You Thread in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to Gideon and Being esports for putting the whole thing on and being genuinely the best non-tf2 org I've ever worked with. It's been so good to work with a group of people as supportive and passionate as you are
Shoutout to kritzkast for inviting me and organising so much, to all the production champions for the tireless hard work that you put in every single time, DCS Canfo and Supra for doing all the complicated tech and admin stuff I'll never understand, and to the rest of the gang at Basestack including the bar staff and security for keeping us going the whole weekend.
Extra shoutout to Jmax who's an absolute king and puts so much work and dedication into every event he works even if, in the eyes of some old guy like me, it feels like he only joined the world of tf2 production recently.
Shoutout to all the other talent that worked so hard to put on a great show, BenPL, not Steven, Jake, Surny, Wan and Lucky. Bonus to Lucky and Wan for being genuinely just great friends and forming a trio of idiots with me to create the best sofa segments to never be able to be aired.
Shoutout to all the teams for some crazy close tf2 throughout the whole tournament as well as being great to talk to in the limited downtime.
Shoutout to the 14 hour road trip crew Turbotabs, Samus and Lux, and the 1000 mile pringles. Much love to twiikuu and Cupcake for being great friends that it's been a long time since I've been able to see.
As always sorry if I forget anyone but bonus shoutouts to KO, whip, Tob, Raf, Alba, Smirre, Marten, Warped, Piggles, midnight 6s + anyone who bought me a drink.
Final bit of love goes to the folks who came up to me and complimented the casting over the course of the event, I was probably half thinking about the next thing to do when I looked confused and said thanks but it genuinely means a lot to know that people enjoy it and makes every event feel so positive

posted 1 month ago
#11 RCADIA Fortress Hamburg Thank You Thread in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to my casting brothers in arms Turbo, Surny, Bum, Beater and Wan. You all nailed it
Much love to Mia + Dalegaard (Phoenix Red), Jmaxchill, ondkaja, DFS and Heny for organising and running literally everything, to make some idiot like me just sit in front of a camera and chat shit for the entire weekend.
Same goes for my main doggos the whole weekend Gubbins, twiikuu and Cuppers, as well as honorary doggos Samus, Alexei and DrHappiness.
Every single invite team was nutty in their own ways, so shoutout to Duplo for breaking my heart, Czechs for your flamboyant offclassing and wild individual plays, Germans for graciously letting someone else win the lan that was theirs really, BigBlokeLan for the insane upsets, League of Shadows for battling valiantly while missing a key player, and TF2Easy and Witness for the absolute wildest grand finals I think TF2 has ever seen. Papi and Sil also get a bonus shoutout for not realising red ink would not show up on a black T Shirt :)
Rcadia as a venue was super fun and all the staff were lovely, so definitely hoping to come back at some point whether for TF2 or something else. Your support was definitely felt and appreciated!
As with everyone, I talked to too many lovely people to try and name you all, so if we chatted or even just made awkward eye contact, I'll love you forever.

Final shoutouts go to the Open teams, viewers, the Stansted flight boys and of course the 1am Peterborough Services gang. Please stop following me home.

CU@ Copenhagen

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Insomnia 69 (26-29th August 2022) in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#8 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#49 i65 Thank You Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Shoutout to the production boys for working with me and letting me do stuff. It was nutty busy but I feel like it was well worth the effort. I've given you guys my thoughts already, so I wont repeat myself too much here.
Much love for my desk buddies for constantly finding new stuff to talk about, making solid predictions and generating the storylines for lan. Watched most of the games with you guys and it was sick.
My doggo/ mumble brothers and sisters were also great fun, even though I barely got to spend any time with you.
My Dota boys for the TI talk and our tiny crew constantly switching between the TF2 and TI Finals was sick. I'll have to catch up on the rest of those games over the next couple days.
Sami folks for giving me a breather day post-lan too, even though the chance they read tftv is like 1%. You guys are still the chillest anyway.

All the teams did awesome and particular love to the Faint, 7, Ascent EU and NAscent for the closest lan games we've had in ages. The competition was stacked and it was great to get an opportunity to see everyone playing so well. Of course an additional shoutout goes to NAscent, uberchain and Ma3la for putting in so much effort to come to the UK to compete. It means a lot to the Lan that we got an NA representative and I know how difficult it was for you guys to put all this together.

I spent a lot of time talking to both old and new friends at Lan and as people have said before, naming names will result in me missing a lot so it feels kinda rude to do that. As a general rule though, if I talked to you at Lan I consider you a cool person and if you fancy chatting again at any time in the future, please add me on steam/twitter since I'm TERRIBLE at making sure I do that.
This was definitely the Lan where the most people came up to me to actively ask what I thought of the event, make predictions, celebrate wins and mourn loses, and that's something I really love that I can have happen to me.

CU@ next lan boys, the future is bright and I'm looking to be a part of it.

posted about 5 years ago
#59 Most embarrassing thing you've done in tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Embarrassing but successful

posted about 5 years ago
#29 i65 cu@ in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#68 Copenhagen Games 2019 Shoutouts in LAN Discussion

Shoutouts to production guys. You were all amazing to hang out and work with and did a top job of everything. Always gonna be random moment-to-moment issues at a lan but the important part is how to deal with it and I thought everyone kept super chill and worked their asses off. Hope I get to do more with all of you for future events.
Sorry but nuze does get a special shoutout for being my partner in crime for yet another event. You're a nuts caster and carry the shit out of me.

Shoutout to the teams. I'm pretty sure I talked to at least one person from every single 6s team at the event and everyone was super friendly and great to chat with. The invited teams were full of the nicest people and worked like hell to put on a great show for everyone.

Shoutout to everyone who watched and supported the lan. The goal of each event is to make people have a good time and as long as you enjoyed yourself, I consider everything 100% worth it.

Thanks to the Doggo, fake doggo and lanturtle conglomerate for being my home base outside of the production area. Absolute bangers.

One final bit of love to the guys who came up to me and complimented/gave feedback regarding the casting, production and general ability to talk nonsense for hours on end without stopping. That kind of feedback is always really awesome to get and make it very easy to justify the like 4 hours sleep a night.

CU@ I Series guys, wouldn't miss it for anything.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Insomnia63: Day 3 & Lower Bracket Finals in Events

Yeah, ora vs svift will be 1pm local with me and TurboTabs. Then games at 4pm and 8pm local

posted about 6 years ago
#4 lft low open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Sami O W N S
Frag and click and don't play on 200 ping.
e z

posted about 6 years ago
#17 2018 Announcement in Projects

Loads of stuff to update people with, so I'll try to be fairly concise.

Our donations went live yesterday at and (with the help of everyone's charity-loving pal Geel)

As an incentive to donate, we've worked with XB33, uberchain and Dark Litria to create a brand new medal for this year. Shoutout to Andy Thybo for the beautiful SFM work.
As with last year, the medal will go to everyone who donates a total of £10, either through item or cash donations (and makes sure they're logged in with their steam account).

We also have announced only moments ago our first showmatch, featuring Ascent NA vs Ascent EU taking place at 20:00 BST on Saturday 21st.
We've still got some more announcements to make in the coming days, so expect a couple more updates before we hit the big weekend.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 Released in Videos

Was amazing to watch the premiere at Rewind but looking forward to watching it all over again and again.
Great work gamers!

posted about 6 years ago
#62 rewind 2 shoutouts in TF2 General Discussion

Writing this during my 16th ish hour of travel so you know, will miss stuff.
Shout-outs go to:
Dashner for literally working harder than I've ever seen a guy work. Dude put on an amazing show, made an amazing documentary and put out enough fires to be given the key to the town.
7 boys + perm + worms for being fun travel/bootcamp buddies, and great friends to have around. Event didn't exactly go as planned but hope you guys still had at least some fun sprinkled into the disaster.
My main sofa bros getawhale and nuze, we had some fun and every time we sit down to do a segment I'm reminded how I just want to do more and more. Let's make it happen again soon.
The rest of production, including by not limited to: dashner (again), smithsonian, dreamboat, ma3la, cornpop, TurboTabs, ombrack, row, Tino and the ESA guys that I was too out of it to properly remember names. Everyone I met for the first time was incredibly nice and you guys have no choice but to be my friends forever now, hope to see you all again at a future Lan.
Samiface gets a shout out for being the only reason I could manage to get to America to begin with, as well as for supporting seemingly every part of TF2 simultaneously. Not sure how it works, but she's also an ace gamer too.
My brother loris for editing the documentary and working ridiculously hard with dashner these past several months to make it all happen. Like me, he's probably a bit unknown to some of you gamers, but he's made some ownage Lan videos and turns out is getting involved behind the scenes in basically everything.
Met loads of new people at rewind and some I didn't even catch your name, but everyone had a lasting impact that results in some very positive memories and a desire to come back to NA and hopefully not be crazy sick for the next big event. Specific note goes to Pete though, very pleasant gamer to have a chat with, props to you.
Didn't talk to everyone but paddie and the ascent boys get a shout out, even though you took down Europe and didn't even follow through enough to make me feel better. You're still awesome people though.
Penultimate Shout-outs goes to friends at home who couldn't go. Fribs, lux + the gang at her place, all my FM gamers, Lan turtle gamers and anyone that liked what I did at the event. Hopefully I added enough to be worth it.
Last one goes to whoever that was in twitch chat who said I looked like I was in my 20s, 30s and 40s at the same time. No idea what that means, but it kept us laughing for a while.

See you all next time gamers

posted about 6 years ago
#41 Rewind Snapchats in LAN Discussion

Tweeting the trip with 7 boys plus boot camp shit at

posted about 6 years ago
#50 i61 Thanks in LAN Discussion

Thanks to all the production guys who put on an amazing show and held my hand through my first ever LAN working as part of the stream, with special mention going to Getawhale, Nuze, War, Paddie, Mike, Turbotabs and Perm for being my couch buddies at one point or another.
Much love to all the teams who played and made the lan what it was, with particular mention to Se7en and Swift for a stellar grand final and the No Input vs Ascent knockout game which I watched from behind ya boy shoosh and turned out to be one of the unstreamed highlights of the tournament.
Thanks to all the new people I met and were, as always, ridiculously friendly and easy to talk to. Especially the NA guys who I'm certain I never would have had a chance to meet in any other context.
The doggo boys get love for being top video gamers and allowing me to have a 100% winrate at i61.
Final shoutout goes to the merry gang of FM gamers, which includes all old, current and future players (which pretty much includes all of 7 at this point tbh) and obviously all of the people who've ingrained themselves so fully into our friend group that LAN just wouldn't be the same without them. See all you guys very, very soon.

posted about 7 years ago
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