Account Details
SteamID64 76561198167299951
SteamID3 [U:1:207034223]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:103517111
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up July 4, 2016
Last Posted January 31, 2020 at 1:05 PM
Posts 92 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 3/11
Raw Input 1
1920 • 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech g403
Keyboard Logitech g810
Mousepad Monstercat Gaming Mouse Mat
Headphones AudioTechnica ATH-M50x
Monitor MSI Optix MAG271R
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#85 gush your happiness in Off Topic

-school’s out, feel so much less stressed because of it
-just got back from the best vacation I’ve ever had, went on a cruise in the carribean
-the open team I’m on isn’t dead and is actually winning a few games (shoutout to grapejuice for coaching us and making this thread)

posted about 6 years ago
#8 CSGO gets panorama in CS2 General Discussion

What I wish is for a bit more customization. All of this is beautiful, but what if there's a small aspect I want to adjust?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Best looking flags thread in Off Topic



NivekNew Mexico probably has the best flag of any US state:


posted about 6 years ago
#1 name change in Requests

Would like to have it changed to "ElliotR"

Thank you!

posted about 6 years ago
#22 i figured out how to see your casual rank in TF2 General Discussion


new record low

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Velocity expand to Europe, acquire BrainSense™ in News


go velocity!

posted about 6 years ago
#22 TF2 for High School E-sports League? in Esports

Glad to see that there is interest from HSEL in TF2. Will definitely push for this at my school if TF2 comes to the HSEL circuit.

How soon would TF2 be introduced? I only have one year left and would be disappointed to miss this if it were to happen.

thought this was from HSEL themselves haHAA

posted about 6 years ago
#32 Show me your internet in Off Topic


this garbage for $50/mo


posted about 6 years ago
#9 Velocity loses Kryptonite, makes speedy replacement in News

Go velocity! :D

posted about 6 years ago
#55 randomyoutubecomment.com in Off Topic
Show Content


posted about 6 years ago
#3 My dm is literally deteriorating in Q/A Help
jeskoi would take a break. maybe try some other games out for a little while.
e- when i get burnt out on dm i'll surf or jump or play quake. just something different.

Wonderful advice.
Often I'll go without playing for multiple days, only to do really well when I come back. I then play the next 1-2 days, only to not do as well.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 lagbots in TF2 General Discussion

I want to know exactly what goes through nullifiedcat's brain.
What about causing the annoyance of tens of thousands of people brings someone joy? I find it pitiful if that's what your hobby is, ruining others' days though immoral actions.

morwannegWell when you're coding hacker bots in TF2 I can't imagine you have much else going on with your life.

my thoughts exactly

And even for regular cheaters, what is fun about removing all skill needed to play a game? Why even play?

posted about 6 years ago
#21 post your sleep stats in Off Topic

I. 7 at the most
II. 4
III. ~10p - ~6a ( definitely don't sleep this long though)
IV. I can't remember the last time I had a nap
V. all except weekends
VI. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with your sleep recently? (Not the quality of your sleep habits, but the quality of the sleep you do get)
VII. Don't know off the top of my head, but I've gone on vacation and haven't been affected whatsoever.
(optional): I need to stop staying up late looking at memes

posted about 6 years ago
#5 made some tf2pl pics with more classes (allowed) in TF2 General Discussion


So yeah, don’t use these.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 S28 Newbie Mix Team Drive in Projects

What do you think the ratio of people who entered last year's drive to people who stayed on the those teams is? I think it would have an impact on how many people enter this year's drive.

posted about 6 years ago
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