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Signed Up July 2, 2015
Last Posted April 8, 2020 at 12:41 PM
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#2 Pug champ help in Bug Reports

Can you send me a dm on discord and I will try and help you out. erynn#7160

posted about 4 years ago
#4 tf2 server providers in TF2 General Discussion

If it helps, pugchamp servers in NA have been running on NFO (except for a brief period when they were switched over last week to tragic's tcadmin stuff) since the beginning. TotH's pub and comp servers have ran on NFO for the past few years (vps and their standalone gameservers) and pugchamp's new game servers are currently on a NFO vps that I set up last weekend because people were lagging so badly on the new tragic servers. NFO's support has always been great and super fast to respond to my questions. Their DDoS protection is somewhat decent considering it is included in the price, their control panel is ancient but gets the job done, and the actual server performance is pretty good on average.

I tried out for the heck of it last weekend and the concept for their servers is neat, but TF2 ate up the CPU/RAM allotment for their lowest level 'bot' and people were still getting lag issues when that happened. Also, you can't install plugins and whatnot during the free trial which sucks so you can't fully test it out without subscribing. The price is pretty steep for just a TF2 server but if you play minecraft or other games, this might be worth checking out. My interaction with their support was A+ and fairly quick as well.

And if you don't want to manage a server or worry about all this stuff then: I think premium is like a key or something per month.

posted about 5 years ago
#1395 PugChamp in Projects

We are in the process of trying to migrate the sites to a new (hopefully more stable) server. This process was supposed to go smoothly, but it has been an experience. I apologize for the NA pugs that I obliterated tonight. Will keep this updated on the progress.

Edit: The old (current) sites should still work fine for the time being.

posted about 5 years ago
#1394 PugChamp in Projects

There should be two now. When I configured the second one this morning, I forgot to do something in my tired brain state. Will be bringing on a third once I confirm that both servers work well without any performances issues.

posted about 5 years ago
#1391 PugChamp in Projects

Ok, na servers may be fixed for real this time.

posted about 5 years ago
#1384 PugChamp in Projects

Looking into it. Was hoping it was a one off issue but looks like it is reoccurring.

posted about 5 years ago
#1381 PugChamp in Projects

Site should be fixed (until next time). Arie is the hero that saved the pugs.

posted about 5 years ago
#1376 PugChamp in Projects

We are having some issues with the EU site today that I am trying to resolve. Currently, a draft happens and when the game servers are being set up, they are failing to report their status back to the site so the site thinks the servers are not set up, when they in fact are. It may be a double mix sort of day.....

Also, we are migrating our NA game servers this afternoon so there might be a bit of downtime with that.

EDIT: As of 12:30am, I am waiting on something to be configured that I don't have access to.
As of 7:00am NA has two servers but I haven't been able to fix the connection issue with EU.
As of 7:40 EU might be fixed. Need to get a pug going to see.

posted about 5 years ago
#1374 PugChamp in Projects

NA Mumble will be down for a few days. There also may be a chance that all the game servers will be down for a short while in the near future. Hoping to avoid it being down during peak times. If you don't have access to a mumble, we have a discord set up Please coordinate in chat where your team will be playing - For mixchamp, I highly recommend everyone just use discord to make it easier on any newer players.

In regards to contributing, let me figure some stuff out and I can open a couple of issues on the github.

posted about 5 years ago
#1372 PugChamp in Projects

Elo won't be coming back anytime soon. Couple of reasons: The way elo is implemented didn't account for people's skill on different classes. Depending on what time you play, you may have an inflated (or deflated?) elo that isn't representative of your actual skill (again, the way it is implemented isn't ideal) and the last reason, which is the actual real reason, is that elo calculations absolutely destroy the site and it is currently being held together with duct tape and tears. Bringing back elo is not an option until the underlying issues are fixed with the site and I can't tell you when that will be.....

posted about 5 years ago
#1368 PugChamp in Projects

Should be back up

posted about 5 years ago
#1306 PugChamp in Projects

I am hoping au pugchamp will be resolved tomorrowish (honestly no promise though) . I apologize for it taking too long. There has been some issues with stuff being migrated to the new servers and access to them.

Will look into the demos being broke tomorrow as well.

posted about 5 years ago
#1284 PugChamp in Projects

I apologize for the situation on the EU site. Yesterday one of our servers went down which caused issues. That has been resolved but unfortunately it seems to have caused another issue. I still haven't figured it out but will update here when I get it fixed. I may need help during EU pug times to keep trying drafts etc while I figure out the cause.

Edit: I think it is good to go now.

posted about 6 years ago
#1220 PugChamp in Projects

I have no idea what is happening. Am looking into it now.

posted about 6 years ago
#1199 PugChamp in Projects

There is currently an issue preventing pugs from reliably happening on the NA and AU sites. Will be fixed hopefully by tomorrow morning. Sorry things are on fire.

posted about 6 years ago
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