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Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted December 9, 2015 at 3:14 PM
Posts 342 (0.1 per day)
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#11 Playtesting Pugs? in Map Discussion

A few months back i talked to jodd about bringing a "new map" rotation into the mix servers every friday, in which no stock maps would be played throughout the night for a good change of pace. however i struggled to find enough maps with potential at that time.

if you guys can toss some map suggestions out (maps that still have an active creator would be optimal) and show enough support i will gladly make this happen.

posted about 10 years ago
#83 No more camwhores on twitch in Off Topic

quality content

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Chingoo LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

quality gamer

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Bad Shows/Movies in Off Topic
War Games (1996)

i got through hackers without an issue

Deuce Bigalow European Gigolo
The Marine
Need for Speed
The Legend of Hercules
Dragonball: Evolution

tv show
FlashForward was a let down
Terra Nova

posted about 10 years ago
#9 ESEA Intermediate: Blockback Mountain vs. Cisco Adlers Balls in Events
bl4nkI must've been drunk agreeing to cast something.

aren't u cool?

posted about 10 years ago
#63 i52 Fragmovie in TF2 General Discussion

progress reports?

posted about 10 years ago
#29 Because of you by Tooni in Videos

cant get over how badass this looks

posted about 10 years ago
#62 Twitch down in TF2 General Discussion
hithereTurns out some guy called the jester (some vigilante hacker) took down their twitter account and fucked with them?

pretty amusing feed

posted about 10 years ago
#55 i52 best players in TF2 General Discussion

Pocket: Lansky
Roamer: Blaze/Tek
Scout: Clock
Demo: War
Medic: shade

posted about 10 years ago
#47 Insomnia 52: Group Stage in Events
plobsso plat didn't bring a computer?

doesn't multiplay supply some rentals or something

believe tek is the one who didnt bring a pc, and plat hasn't arrived at the venue yet

posted about 10 years ago
#83 Rules Don't Matter? [The UGC Experience] in TF2 General Discussion

Didn't know 4v4 was a thing outside center... op has a valid complaint, u guys keep calling the server "shit" but 3/4 have adequate ping and a 4th apparently has shit Internet/routing. Its not their fault yet they get forced to move and were prolly qq'n about it all game and got dunked on.

Id be salty too. Purely on precedence

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Movie Suggestions in Off Topic

Land before time series
Wreck it rando
The lion King
Toy soldiers
Emperors be Grove
The Incredibles

posted about 10 years ago
#8 help identify hud in Customization
spammyty for -frags guys, i just asked a question thats so simple to answer.

if it was that simple, u wouldnt have asked

posted about 10 years ago
#33 tombed in Off Topic

seeing as phar was one of us who told insom not to cheat on his main, i highly doubt he is gonna turn around and do the same. plus we all saw the backlash for insom so again i dont see why he would have a desire to do it to himself.

he played the game day in and day out and was getting better steadily. to my understanding he had been doing esea scrims or pugs with the people on our cs scrim team and intended to play it competitively since Bronzing with Bronze was dead

posted about 10 years ago
#8 #tf2mix switching to geeksIRC in TF2 General Discussion is updated for the transition

posted about 10 years ago
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