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#9 Yet Another UGC Verification Tool in TF2 General Discussion
smoboWouldn't it be way easier to use if it just told you what team everyone was on? instead of digging up the links for both teams which would be pretty annoying to do while the other team is bugging you to ready up.

My friend and I were throwing around the idea that we could infer (based on a confidence percentage) who either teams are. I can definitely look into this, but I'll need to talk with the UGC site to get a list of all the players (and their respective teams) to do my statistical analysis. I'll put this idea in my head and see what I can do.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Yet Another UGC Verification Tool in TF2 General Discussion
MamboulayI have the following error message when trying to use it. Been asking a few other people and they have the same problem.


Hey - this is a result of using an incorrect UGC link. I've fixed that just now using better client-side form validation (so you can only input valid UGC links). Let me know if the issue persists, and if it does, add me on Steam, and we'll talk about how I could replicate the bug =).

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Yet Another UGC Verification Tool in TF2 General Discussion

Hi all!

I have released my UGC Roster Verification tool last night, hosted under my site loop.tf

What it is:

Wow, yet another UGC roster verification tool? A bit, yes, however, I noticed other tools were either out of date (still using Steam ID 2) or were confusing to use.

This tool is stupidly simple:

1. Your team's profile link

2. The opposing team's profile link

3. Your status output

And it will spit out all the information you need to know about the unrostered players, your team's players, and the opposing team's players.

Known Issues (will be fixed by tonight)

1. When using invalid URLs, the program will return a Laravel error This bug has been obliterated using the Low Orbit Ion Cannon

Reporting Issues or Suggest a Feature

1. Write it down directly in this thread (I'll respond to you)

2. PM me

3. Add me on Steam

4. Join my Steam group

Happy using!

posted about 9 years ago
#342 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

Hey guys. Great HUD!

I was wondering, with the Community HUD, you can see the health bar visual indication like this: http://puu.sh/7gAD6/df658091a9.jpg

Can someone tell me how I could achieve this?

posted about 11 years ago