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Signed Up January 25, 2013
Last Posted January 21, 2014 at 9:30 PM
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#9 New SOAP dm server in TF2 General Discussion

ah ok, thanks!

posted about 11 years ago
#8 [SOLVED] Mumble Overlay Doesn't Show in TF2 General Discussion

Ah Mumble overlay... you tricky son of a bitch. You're gonna have to pray that the Mumble God doth smile down upon ye because I've found it to be very troublesome in the past.

I use older graphics card drivers (updated once and lost overlay). Also, the older drivers seem to run TF2 better :-/

I also use an older version of mumble (updated once and lost overlay).

I've had success with both DX8 and 9 (thankfully!!) Sorry this isn't more helpful, when I get home in a few hours I can post my Mumble version and you can give that a go if you'd like.

edit: running mumble version 1.2.3. overlay works with lightboost as well

posted about 11 years ago
#7 New SOAP dm server in TF2 General Discussion

Just curious, where is server located?

posted about 11 years ago
#28 UGC Community Donation Drive in News

A possible perk - Take a small amount of the prize pool (maybe 5%) and create a Luck of the Draw lottery. Award this to a random donator who isn't in Platinum and has contributed at least $20 (or some other amount if $20 is too low / high). We could make it into an event too. The Platinum playoffs are always casted, when the grand finals take place we can announce the winner during half-time.

We could do other things with this amount as well. We could use it to buy keys and give back to donators (that way more than one person has a chance to win). Just thinking out loud here, if anyone has any other ideas feel free to add. I realize this hurts the final prize pool a bit, but I think it's a reasonable tradeoff at minimal cost. Gives something back to the people that might not even be able to compete in Platinum but still gave money towards it.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Med & Pocket LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

+1 for red_john, played with him for a season. solid player, very easy going, and knows his stuff all around. good luck

posted about 11 years ago
#11 CEVO Update in TF2 General Discussion

How about a slot system? The first 6 slots on a team are $10 each and any member of the team can contribute money towards unlocking them. Allow 3 additional slots to be unlocked at $5 each and you can bring in subs if you want. Once the slot is unlocked, it stays unlocked for the season so you can still trade players if you want.

This way each member can pay for themselves individually, or teammates can pitch in to help cover costs for others if needed. Subs are a good thing, but should still have to pay. It makes a difference when you have a little bit of money involved. This would make choosing and practicing with subs something people take seriously rather than a last minute replacement.

posted about 11 years ago

Don't think I didn't notice that L-3 tag on viaduct there Kevin! I'm onto your games... MCES... PFFT

posted about 11 years ago
#17 My first legal beer. in Off Topic

I like Railbender, Arrogant Bastard, and there are some Samuel Adams that are good. Imperial White was the most recent one I've had.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Newbie mixes 9-12 EST Tonight in TF2 General Discussion

aaaanndd we're out of coaches. If there are any other coaches out there, would you mind helping us out? Mumble is filled up with players but not enough coaches. We would greatly appreciate it :]

posted about 12 years ago