mgibgrillz#23 at no point was I sniping and offclassing to cause rage. I was simply doing it because I had fun doing. its a video game and if people get mad over that, theyve got bigger problems
I liked the way you were handling this thread until you said this...
this is the mentality of a lot of people that off-class and despite what you think, it really hinders pugs
I agree its not a good mentality and a fairly selfish one at that. but as I said in my next post after that one, I do agree and I don't plan on off classing anymore if I'm unbanned. I used to not realize like u said how much it hinders pugs because to me it doesn't hinder pugs. I have never cared if people off class because to me it's a part of the game that I really enjoy.
I continued to do it because I didn't realize it was annoying so many people. It was unintentional and I was oblivious of how it was affecting others. I feel like I have matured somewhat since then and I agree that I was in the wrong.
One thing I do not agree with however is the fact that if off classing works (not saying it always does), then why should the person have to stop. If you can't come up with a way to counter what they are doing, why should they be punished? I remember when enigma would run pyro because people had a difficult time countering it. Is that not a viable strategy? A lot of people instead of finding ways to counter it, went straight to admins and complained that it was ruining pugs. I have found that a lot of people don't enjoy playing against new ideas. I would run direct hit a lot and people would not take it seriously and always thought I was fucking with them when in reality I genuinely thought it was a good weapon and wanted to try and get good with it and see if it was a viable weapon. I always found it silly that we should always run the same cookie cutter classes and loadouts and not try to stray from the norm. I guess I'm one of the few that feels this way though because clearly a lot of people do not agree with me.
sorry for the semi-rant haha
wait guys i wasnt here 2 years ago, was any form of communication not invented back then? was communication through mumble, tf2 text chat, forums, or steam messaging not available?
Because otherwise im going to call bullshit on you not knowing it was pissing people off.
i dont really care about this whole situation but the fact that you seem to be blatantly lying has to be called out.