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Country Korea, Republic of
Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted September 13, 2015 at 5:09 PM
Posts 301 (0.1 per day)
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Monitor Shitty 19" 75Hz
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#30 How "into" the holidays are you? in Off Topic

Every single year my house gets less and less Christmas-y, but this year it hit me harder than usual. Our neighbors always have their lights up December 1st, if not the day after Thanksgiving. It's pretty embarrassing because it's December 19th and we still don't have our lights up. On top of that I work graveyard shift, so one day I woke up and all the sudden there was a tree in my living room. I thought "Huh, isn't it a bit early to get a tree? Oh right, it's December 15th." I had slept through everyone decorating it. I'm not much for things like that anyhow.

Yesterday at work it was really slow, and I heard my manager mention something about the local university being on Christmas break. I thought "Man, so they get like three weeks of Christmas break or something? That must be nice after finals. Oh right, it's December 18th." This entire month took me by surprise.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 tips & tricks in Off Topic

Just go to the Corvallis Oregon School of Winter Driving!

Step 1: Rev to 5~6k

Step 2: Dump the clutch

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Longest you have quit TF2? in Off Topic

I haven't played since summer of 2012 I think. I have no interest in coming back.

posted about 11 years ago
#37 Nexus 5 in Off Topic

I just bought a Nexus 5, it ships on Dec 11th. Really don't want it though, I impulse bought it and didn't see how awful the case options are (I need a waterproof case). Too late to cancel so I'm gonna RMA it as soon as it arrives and get something else.

posted about 11 years ago
#205 Favorite Anime? in Off Topic
cupceicFinished watching Steins;Gate, and damn, I never thought I would get emotional over tv series, but this one really did.

I'm not really into those "1) fight bad guys 2) lose 3) train and fight again" animes, but this one isn't like those.

I would have really liked it but I called the last plot twist regarding events in the first episode. I didn't like all of the "Oh would you like to go get MOE DOUJINS from the DOUJIN STORE in this MOE TOWN in COSPLAY OUTFITS after we go to a MAID CAFE". Kinda ruined the series by being self aware about the fact that it was an anime.

That and the main characters have zero redeeming features, the MC possibly has Asperger's disease (odd use of language, talking to himself, etc.), and they are both neckbeards, one of which is roughly 250lbs.

I can't stand the tropey BS, guess I'm just not cut out for anime.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 a powah tribute in Off Topic

its okay just take it like capnfapn

pretend it wasn't a shit post and that nobody else understands the joke

posted about 11 years ago
#4 MotoGP 2013 in Off Topic

I'm glad Marquez won, but it makes me feel like I'm doing nothing with my life and hes only a year older than me :( I love them Repsol Hondas tho

posted about 11 years ago
#58 Call of Duty Ghosts Min Requirements in Other Games
KanecoSorry I didn't play the game nor intend to, I just copied over one of the most popular screens going around in forums. Anyway I also have these which apparently are with the game with everything in max settings.

Not exactly...

OP is actually posting a troll image from 4chan. I saw the same screenshot on /v/ last night with someone proclaiming it was CoD: Ghosts on Max settings. Everyone called bullshit on it, but apparently OP is really, really gullible. I hope the mods step in on this one though, since OP is flat out fucking lying to people.
posted about 11 years ago
#32 Hearthstone in Other Games
truktrukAnyone know if this is going to be a one time payment thing when it comes out? It seems pointless to pay monthly/pay for cards considering on face value it looks like you're battling MTG starter decks. If it does in fact become a one time payment thing I think it'll be pretty awesome, even if the game is super simple compared to MTG.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Hearthstone in Other Games

I got in earlier today. It's pretty fun but I'm just unlocking new heroes at this point. I have no idea how to build a deck, but WOO OTK DECKS EXIST

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Halloween in Off Topic

Every year my parents bribe me out of trick or treating with a few bags of fun size candy bars

posted about 11 years ago
#2 what happend to these in Off Topic

They probably got discontinued like Doritos best flavor, Blazin' Buffalo Ranch :*(

posted about 11 years ago
#45 Smash Brothers Documentary in Off Topic
r4ptureKind of disappointed and amused in the last chapter, a little bit of fibbing going on that one of the youtube comments reminded me of. The EVO 2013 poll was not, in fact, won by was won by My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic. I shit you not, I remember that really well and how outrageous it was. In the end, FiM ended up bowing out because the game was still in Alpha and the devs didn't want an Alpha on the main stage of EVO, and it went to Melee by default.

Gee, I wonder why they completely skipped over that?

If I'm not mistaken the last game at EVO was decided by a donation drive, of which MLP:FiM dropped out of long before the end. I don't see how you can say it won, it got 4th place to SSB, Skullgirls, and ST by a pretty massive margin, and it was pulled on January 14th, nearly 15 days and $162,000 before it ended. Saying it "won" because it was leading before the drive even picked up some steam (and then lost by nearly $35k to the next place finisher) isn't true, now is it? Melee won by $10k (and $60k over MLP).

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Free civ 5 or mafia 2 in Off Topic

Yeah keep waiting. I got my copy earlier today, I voted and everything on Friday night

posted about 11 years ago
#31 any good PSP games? in Other Games

Crisis Core is definitely my favorite game of all time
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror is a good game with some better than average replay value

posted about 11 years ago
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