Every single year my house gets less and less Christmas-y, but this year it hit me harder than usual. Our neighbors always have their lights up December 1st, if not the day after Thanksgiving. It's pretty embarrassing because it's December 19th and we still don't have our lights up. On top of that I work graveyard shift, so one day I woke up and all the sudden there was a tree in my living room. I thought "Huh, isn't it a bit early to get a tree? Oh right, it's December 15th." I had slept through everyone decorating it. I'm not much for things like that anyhow.
Yesterday at work it was really slow, and I heard my manager mention something about the local university being on Christmas break. I thought "Man, so they get like three weeks of Christmas break or something? That must be nice after finals. Oh right, it's December 18th." This entire month took me by surprise.