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Country South Africa
Signed Up April 4, 2015
Last Posted May 3, 2016 at 10:45 PM
Posts 14 (0 per day)
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#78 favorite wwe wrestler in Off Topic
monsterILSeth Rollins/Kevin Owens/AJ Styles

good list good list

posted about 8 years ago
#74 favorite wwe wrestler in Off Topic

AJ Styles/Seth Rollins/Mick Foley

posted about 8 years ago
#23 [Open][Demo] Antecedent LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

He is very knowledgeable about position and has great game sense, and on top of that has solid DM, I really can't think of any negatives. Really worthy of a mid-open team!

posted about 8 years ago
#327 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
evgleconclusions from this wave:
its always the sniper mains
another reason why 6s players dont take hl seriously
max box taking credit
vxiow to return??

pls no vxiow return, that might drive away even more people

posted about 8 years ago
#321 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

"lets not jump to any conclusions"
"aaaaand there's a lot of sniper mains"

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Morris lft open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Morris is truly a joy to be around. I really enjoyed the time I was able to play with him in both UGC and the brief time we scrimmed ESEA. He has mid open DM and his game sense is quickly improving. The only real issue I noticed in my extensive amount of playing time with him is that he can be too aggressive when bombing sometimes, that said, other than that he is a solid all-around player. You won't regret giving him a tryout

posted about 8 years ago
#2 roamer ltf mid open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Altra is a really great player who is dedicated to getting better. He was going to be our roamer untill I decided to not play TF2. He does take criticism really well and is willing to adapt to any play style. He has good DM and on top of that a great attitude, he is a good pick-up for any team that wants to get better and win!

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Early workings for a LAN near VA/DC in LAN Discussion

From NoVA, so this would be perfect! I would totally be interested in this

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Extra Chromosome E-Sports LF Demo S22 Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Bump, still looking for a demo to tryout

posted about 8 years ago
#139 bernie or hillary in Off Topic

Kaisch 2016

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Med, Scout, LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Even though he has already found a team, I still feel the need to leave a comment, maybe he will LFT again (his teams always die (sorry Sam). Sam is by far the most knowledgeable person that I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with. Not only does he have a comprehensive knowledge of various TF2 maps and players, but he has studied it extensively since its inception. If I ever have any questions about anything even semi-pertinent to its history, he always has the answer. He also knows a ton about both meta game and positioning, not just for med but all classes. He is always down to go over a demo or STV with me and help me with both my positioning and game sense. It may seem like I am raving on and on about him, but he honestly has been given the short end of the stick, in the sense of team. He can't seem to land a spot on a team that plays through an entire season of ESEA, and trust me he deserves one. Not only will he boost your team's ability by tenfold, but he also brings a positive, inviting atmosphere into the mumble. Not only does he have a desire to improve, he also has a desire to learn more. He is honestly a joy to be around and play with and I will truly miss playing 6s with him, if there is any team that is looking for an incredibly competent medic, give Sam a shot.

posted about 9 years ago
#107 oldschool runescape in Other Games

add me up my dude, haven't played in like 2 months tho, looking for some friends! (what even is this new land they added?)

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Extra Chromosome E-Sports LF Demo S22 Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

so we lf another scout too!

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Extra Chromosome E-Sports LF Demo S22 Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Hello friends, Extra Chromosome E-Sports is LF a demo for Season 22 ESEA Open. The core of us have played together, and with the addition of a demo, we would be looking forward to doing well, and maybe breaking out of that low-mid open barrier.

stuff about team:
low-mid open (we haven't had a chance to play a season together yet, so who knows?)
scrim most nights at 8:30 and 9:30 (we don't have set days yet, that said we will work that out once we are a team)

willingness to learn (we all have room to improve)
don't be toxic (this should go without saying, but being rude doesn't make it fun to play with you"
knowledge of demo class (have a general idea of positioning)
ability to land pipes and place stickies
some comp experience

with that said, heres what our current roster is looking like:
Scout: jomo
Scout: altra
Roamer: zaboo
Pocket: Jake
Demo: --vacant-- (you maybe :)
Medic: wasabi

Thanks for reading, and feel free to add me on steam to inquire about tryouts, or if you want to know anything else about the team. Have a good one! << peep that team picture

EDIT: NO LONGER LOOKING (unless you wanna sub)

posted about 9 years ago