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SteamID64 76561198066314392
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Country United States
Signed Up September 16, 2013
Last Posted February 20, 2016 at 10:20 PM
Posts 59 (0 per day)
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#136 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

I'm very excited to play MM with my new 11 year old valve pub pro friends who main spy, engie and pyro while using computers that let them play at 7 frames per second.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Scout Compilation Video - 2 months of pugging in Videos

is that u playing or did u cheat and let hellbent play on ur account?? how are u s o good?

posted about 9 years ago
#3704 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

idk whats worse, the fact that people for some reason keep logs of when i talk shit, the fact that you think that posting logs of me talking shit to people i beat who have bad attitudes somehow makes me feel bad, or that half the topics i post on get derailed to talk about my attitude, you guys are literally retarded

posted about 9 years ago
#3691 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

hellbent replies to a lot of my posts he's a stupid faggot who i have played with like one time in my life

posted about 9 years ago
#3687 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
sniping in tf2center is not and will never be impressive

I mean he is flicking to people's heads in some difficult scenarios, the shots aren't magically easier to pull off on people rocket jumping just because it's a center, but you wouldn't know because your medigun aims for you, and somehow after 700 hours of scout you still blow at hitscan

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Best mouse? in Hardware

As has been accurately stated above, the g303 and g502 have the best sensors. Zowie fk1 is better than the fk2 but it has the click delay so in terms of your mouse accurately doing what your hand does accurately and instantaneously, the g303 and g502 are the best.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Knuckles LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

really good aim

posted about 9 years ago
#17 New main. Need hlelp in Q/A Help

since division is the deciding factor in who is the authority on how to practice, then ... b4nny is of the opinion that mge is a very useful tool to improve, how many more invite championships does he have than all of you? oh thats right lol

so yeah dont listen to these non-champion players, and mge like the champions (b4nny and platinum) did/do

edit: cant forget MGEmike in europe!!!

posted about 9 years ago
#82 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)
CondescendingCandlestickmost basic mge mechanics

do more dmg than your opponent by having better aim and movement

posted about 9 years ago
#78 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)

^ thanks

i will tryout for the teams that have offered me tryouts. other than that i am done LFT u win tftv community

posted about 9 years ago
#73 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)
universeyou're missing the point

if you're not willing to take criticism from saam how should any team looking for a prospective roamer know if they can actually mold u into something. saam isnt all knowing and maybe you were right in one particular situation but your attitude makes it seem like u wont listen to new suggestions. u should be listening to people with experience in the moment and talk over things afterwards because if not, ur teammates are going to have to worry that someone with 2 matches in esea might override their calls and that's the opposite of what id want if i was picking a dm lord up.

please dont say "i dont need to be taught how to play 6's i am good" because that'll drive off any decent team that might consider picking up a player with little experience.

it's really not hard to apologize but it might b too late

i had already told the team that i would sit there and take as much time to be taught as they saw fit, the pocket at the time was going to go over demos with me and give me criticism and teach me how to improve which i was happy with lol

posted about 9 years ago
#69 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)
mya i beat him and then he started typing paragraphs so i called him gay and left

nice made up story

posted about 9 years ago
#66 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)

^ yes sorry a medic with his back turned can somehow assess a threat better than me due to many times more 6s experience

posted about 9 years ago
#61 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)

pretty sure half of these people comment is because i am an "MGE lord" and im not nice to people who i dont like

posted about 9 years ago
#59 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)
saami feel like the fact that he ignored all the criticism from me (one of 2 people who has played with him in this thread) and chose to argue about mge MIGHT be a red flag

out of the few games we played together, we ended up losing 1. and i still remember what you got mad about, when we were the last 2 people up and you kept telling me to go with you but i jumped back to hit a roamer a couple times while you got a bit more distance. which i did btw because he was the closest enemy i could see and i wasnt confident i could protect you without a shotgun if he bombed you (which he was going to do). you havent seen me play in like a year, and when you did last play with me i was still using a laptop and wireless mouse playing in my bed. and the rest of these people who are giving their opinions have either never met me or have just fought me in mge and lost and for some reason think that because i wasnt nice to them they are qualified to let people know if im ready for whatever division or not

posted about 9 years ago
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