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Country European Union
Signed Up May 29, 2013
Last Posted May 28, 2018 at 2:50 PM
Posts 191 (0 per day)
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#46 Personality Types in Off Topic


personalitypage.comISFP - The Artist

Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Do not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.

I can agree on that.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 hud/plugin installer ideas? in TF2 General Discussion

I finished the settings system right now. I noticed tho that the update system isn't quiet finished and the shortcut feature is not yet done so I'll still need some time, also the documentation for developers is not finished.

Here is a list of the features that will be in the final version:
- One click plugin enabling/disabling
- Different plugin types (huds/vpks/hitsounds/addons) and an "something else" section.
- The tool can update plugins if it properly set up!
- You can easily script settings for your addon!
- Settings will be remembered and reapplied when updating!
- You can create shortcuts that automatically check for updates or enable/disable plugins

posted about 11 years ago
#14 TeamFortress.TV Top 10 #2 in News
BerethSeemed like CBear didn't even watch the video beforehand.

I really liked this, it's felt like he's watching the video with me and is giving me the in-depth information instead of reading what happend.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Youtube fullscreen problem in Off Topic!topic/chrome/nit9Rv0-RnM

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Youtube fullscreen problem in Off Topic
ScarabI tried it before, it looked like shit, then I tried it with the html5 and it went fullscreen. So I guess my problem is flash

have you tried to re-install it?

does fullscreen work with other flash objects/video players?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Youtube fullscreen problem in Off Topic

Maybe it's a problem with flash, try enabling the youtube html5 test and go fullscreen on a video that has no adds like this one watch?v=Hp7hxjo8jtU (first video I found, I don't know what it is). You can see if the video uses html5 if you rightclick the player. If it works with html5 maybe you need to re-install flash.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 html documentation preset? in Off Topic

I forgot about online solutons like github, this might just be what I need :)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 html documentation preset? in Off Topic

I wanna make a nice looking documentation/reference with html. I don't wanna spend my time coding a website so I wanna use a template that allows me to easily add/change stuff. I really like the way the Microsoft one works and looks like.

I did some searching but I didn't really find anything. Can someone recommend me something? :)

edit: why am I asking this on a video game forum >.>

posted about 11 years ago
#44 Swagyolo Tf2 vid. in Off Topic

I assume you had lots of fun making this.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Help Really Scared! in Customization

Screenshot or it didn't happen. As simple as that.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 hud/plugin installer ideas? in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoBut are you creating an API of some sort to enable hud makers but as well plugin and other stuff to be easily ported to this program?

I guess you could call it an api, but it kinda works like a structuring language like html.

edit: outdated, won't work

What I'm thinking of is that eg.

[SwitchFiles("resource\ui\SpectatorGUIHealth - *", "Spectator Health")]

Will give you

in the settings. (This'll let you choose between the SpectatorGUIHealth customization files.)

I'm not sure yet how I'm gonna structure this "language".

posted about 11 years ago
#25 hud/plugin installer ideas? in TF2 General Discussion

I've finished this tool for the most part, only settings, an installer filetype (that opens in this tool and downloads/installs the plugin) and some minor things are left.

I'm not sure how to design the settings yet. I wanna make an dynamic extensible way for this, to give simple presets for eg. hudlayout.res crosshairs or switching between all files that start with "Scoreboard - ".

I'm thinking about a vertical list of controls like in the goat_ installer since it's easy to make and allows unlimited different controls/combination.

Show Content

What settings would you like to see there?

posted about 11 years ago
#5 i got added on skype in Off Topic

that's german >.>

posted about 11 years ago
#24 hud/plugin installer ideas? in TF2 General Discussion
blueeReally looking forward to this, should help with keeping casters & streamers up to date with their plugins.

How is updating going to work, btw? RSS feed that the program checks or something else?

The creator of the hud needs to set up a file on a server containing a version number. This tool loads this file and checks if it's different from the version of the installed hud/plugin.

Example with AdvSpec:
You a file called data.txt in the root folder of your addon:

name=Advanced Spectator Plugin
desc=TF2 addon that gives players outlines.
[b]version_url=link to the file containing the version number
update_url=the direct download link[/b]

And then you need to keep the version file up to date of course.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 hud/plugin installer ideas? in TF2 General Discussion

I just wanted to give an update on this, it'll probably take me a couple weeks to finish this project, however I'll do my best to catch every single exception and to make this as good as I can!

[Here are some infos for hud/plugin makers:
Version numbers:
This tool will allow basically any fixed point value:

"2" < "2.4"

You can use an alpha/beta prefix:

"beta 1.5" < "1.3"

And here's a screenshot:

posted about 11 years ago
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