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Last Posted August 4, 2014 at 9:46 PM
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#50 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion

Just Cats ~ My Gaming Edge ~ All Class

Download [zip - 26.6 MB]:

BBall Comparison
BBall Old
BBall New

Waste / Whiskas Comparison
Waste Old
Whiskas New

Update #3~ Added Langeh to the credits as My Gaming Edge Developer.
~ Airborne targets are now lit up better on No Splash.
~ BBall intelligence capture point coordinates have been corrected.
~ Corrected the license back to GPLv3.
~ Cubemaps are now properly available.
~ Improved the alignment of the lights on No Splash.
~ Objects are no longer visible at the bottom of No Splash.
~ Removed an unnecessary amount of light spots on Turris.
~ Slightly increased the High Definition Lightning bloom scale and exposure limits.
~ The basketball hoops have been replaced by less resource consuming variants.
~ The ctf_bball2 arena has been replaced with ctf_ballin.
~ Waste has been replaced by dm_whiskas.

An undocumented change: BBall is now available as solo (one versus one) arena as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#48 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion

My Gaming Edge JC Update #2

Download [zip - 37.5 MB]:

No Splash Comparison
No Splash Old
No Splash New

Changes~ Corrected the project licensing from GPLv3 to MIT.
~ Endif spawn points have been moved from the floor to the ceiling.
~ No Splash has been recreated from scratch.
~ The default arena class locks have been set again.
~ The hit sound feature now works again.
~ Snakewater Middle has its broken spawn points truly fixed now.
~ The commands add and remove have been added again.
~ Unlimited ammo now applies to all weapons.

EDIT: I have done a quick reupload with the correct No Splash spawn points.

posted about 10 years ago
#47 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
Not_MatlockI remember the old West TOO MGE server had a plugin that made a hitsound on successful airshots with projectiles, and meatshots with shotguns. I would love to see that make a return.

I have implemented a change on the server. Would it be possible for you to test to see if this is what you mean? You might have to toggle the hitblip option.

Not_MatlockAnother feature that I like is on some Euro MGE servers, if you get a kill with your pistol, it automatically switches you back to the scattergun and makes you -attack so you don't end up wasting half your mag on nothing.

In which situations does it do this? Only certain arenas? Or all arenas?

posted about 10 years ago
#42 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
Dell_ConagherCan you keep the option to allow all classes in? I allow all classes in my MGE server and people use them all most of the time


posted about 10 years ago
#39 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion

I will revert to the default class locks, and I will look into the hit sounds. If you could possibly find me the original ones you are referring to, that would help a lot.

posted about 10 years ago
#34 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
TimoSo we typed !join process and came to snake middle. Also there seems to be something wrong with win limits

Thank you for taking your time to report this. Both issues have been resolved.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
Oblivionagedamn this server looks great too bad it's empty. why is there elo? i feel like it's so unnecessary and just discourages people from playing certain players due to elo. imo just remove it like mge it.

also why all class? at least ban heavy engi and spy. anyone who runs those classes in mge is 99% fucking with people and ruining arenas

I see it as a simple skill indicator. If it proves to be unnecessary I could disable it per default or throw it out.

All class is important for Team Fortress 2. Every class can be used in competitive Team Fortress 2. Spies can train on headshots to give an example.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion

I would like to thank those that have eagerly provided feedback so far.

The following changes have been implemented on the server, and will eventually be rolled out in the second update to the public:

Changes~ Endif spawn points have been moved from the floor to the ceiling.
~ Snakewater Middle has its broken spawn points truly fixed now.
~ The commands add and remove have been added again.
~ The time to change class after the start of a round has been increased to ten seconds.
~ Unlimited ammo now applies to all weapons.
PlatinumAre the tracks removed on badlands middle like the actual map?

Would it be possible for you to provide a screenshot comparison? If something is put in an arena that is not originally there, I will resolve it.

downpouryou disable engineer buildings so whats the point of allowing engineer?

It is no longer possible for Engineers to build in a black spawn box that is used as you travel back to the arena after you die.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
Dave_freddiiDave_does this finally mean that dm_whiskas can replace waste or something

I would love to include it. I would have to contact the author regarding the inclusion into a GPLv3 project.
yeah I wanted to put it in v8 but justin kept saying no
now he refuses to send me the source of v8 after he messed up the spawns and decided to add cameras to every single arena. Regardless, if you want, you can add me and I can add whiskas for you.

You can contact him and ask him if you please. The Valve Map File of mge_training_jci is included in the download in the first post for those that wish to develop and experiment on their own.

But given the permission is granted, I would like to include this in a future JC update, granting your wish of availability.

posted about 10 years ago
#24 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
Dave_does this finally mean that dm_whiskas can replace waste or something

I would love to include it. I would have to contact the author regarding the inclusion into a GPLv3 project.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
LoronixYeah, actually one of the premier factors of endif has always been spawn camping. It's a recreation of an old Quake World mod and it doesn't really seem fitting to change it. It also lets you practice those ridiculous air shots where you can hit them while they drop after killing them. If anything, you should make a separate arena if you want some sort of endif like arena (without spawn killing), rather than butcher what is a dear classic among old school FPS fans.

I apologise for the mistake. I was not aware of the history behind the arena. I will revert it in the next update.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion

I have made a development list for those that are interested in keeping track:

downpourallowing all classes by default seems silly (heavy) + you disable engineer buildings so whats the point of allowing engineer?

so you removed gravelpit last and then you fixed an issue on it later on in the change log?

why would you change the spawns in endif
that was the point of endif
has no one ACTUALLY PLAYED endif???????

everything else is golden, especially the optimizations
im passionate about mge

oh and changing add/remove to join/leave now is just gonna cause confusion IMO, but i see that you plan on readding those in the next version anyway so GJ

I feel that is is important for all classes to be given attention in Team Fortress 2. I ultimately intend to see if arenas can be expanded for different purposes, such as flare gun kills on Endif to give an example.

Originally I intended to remove no arenas. At the very last point of the map development I had to compensate for the high dynamic range lightning capabilities. I did this by removing two of which I believed to the be the least interesting arenas of the entire offering. I forgot to remove the Gravelpit Last fixes I had implemented before.

As for the Endif spawn change, this is to prevent spawn killing.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
mince__Devonif possible you should add accuracy stats, like there was before in past versions... i really miss
those stats.

wasn't there some huge, cumbersome issue with accuracy stats in older versions that ended up getting them removed?

It was heavy on frames on the client side. But I can have a look to see if it can be done without that downside.

sevennncan you make it to where add/remove still works too? along side join/leave

Yes. Consider it done in the JC Update #2 release.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion
Devonif possible you should add accuracy stats, like there was before in past versions... i really miss
those stats.

I will consider it for the second update. I will most likely add add and remove back next to the join and leave changes.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 My Gaming Edge JC Update #1 in TF2 General Discussion

why new join and leave commands doe?

It is a small but perfectionist change. The terms add and remove are those from a programmer's perspective. The terms join and leave are those from a player's perspective.

posted about 10 years ago
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