We need to realize valve does not care, if they do its very minimal, i first played this game when came out on xbox 2010-2011ish, then i quit playing and found steam, and right before the MVM update i started playing tf2 again, and it rekindled my love for it. And i love this game from the bottom of my heart, and it literally breaks my heart to see such a passionate competitive community doing everything they can to keep this game alive competitively(and the people at TF.TV as well). The worst thing is not the updates they do, or break items and such, its that they don't listen to people, or don't care too that are reaching out to valve in everyway possible saying "hey this is what we think needs to be fixed, valve can you look into it". Instead valve just does a 180 and does something completely breaks something/change something else.
And as a player that has put 5,000+ hrs into this game, and watch top invite players leave, cause they have tried to play this game for as long as they could without success money wise. Its honestly the better choice to move to OW if your a top player because you can make money at it and get lots of exposure as a player, and it has developers that care about their game.
After watching War's Rant video i agreed with him on just bout every thing he brought up, and after i watch it i just felt really sad on the inside, and made me realize unless valve kicks into high gear and actually shows they care for such a small community, maybe there is a future. But after this next I58 i really do think this game could die,or a lot people will leave cause why play a game that is buggy, devs dont care, and a 9 year old game that has a competitive scene so small, when you can switch to OW that takes less skill to get to the top, and actually make some money while doing it.
Sorry for long post i could have said alot more, i really want tf2 comp scence to live and flourish just like any player, but after seeing the Meet your Match update i can't help but to feel sad inside, cause valve just does what they want regardless of the comp community.
Anyways i love this game and this community, and i just pray it doesn't die.