Account Details
SteamID64 76561198065558637
SteamID3 [U:1:105292909]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:52646454
Country United States
Signed Up September 21, 2015
Last Posted May 2, 2024 at 5:51 PM
Posts 2926 (0.9 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.3
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse g403
Keyboard POK3R Cherry Reds
Mousepad qck++
Headphones Astro A40s
Monitor ASUS
1 ⋅⋅ 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 ⋅⋅ 193
#28 Warhuryeah rant? in TF2 General Discussion
Phoenix21frenzyx you can switch to OW that takes less skill to get to the top, and actually make some money while doing it.
that's just flat out wrong, it's much easier to get into prem in tf2 than it is to become an overwatch pro.
if you watch the overwatch pro players that came from tf2 the vast majority of them play overwatch a lot to improve their mechanics, good examples are the french players that played overwatch since closed beta non stop everyday for hours, tviq, shadowburn, dummy and seagull all play overwatch more regularly than they used to play in tf2 to make sure they get into the pro scene,if it's much easier and also will earn you money, why aren't more people are at do that?

i don't know if its wrong or right, its just my opinion bout OW and TF2, i feel like its easier to get in to OW and make some sort of profit, then TF2 cause every season i play in ESEA im not going in and saying im going to make money at this game, i am actually losing money. I play this game because i love it. I just think its easier to get your foot in door in OW.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 Warhuryeah rant? in TF2 General Discussion

We need to realize valve does not care, if they do its very minimal, i first played this game when came out on xbox 2010-2011ish, then i quit playing and found steam, and right before the MVM update i started playing tf2 again, and it rekindled my love for it. And i love this game from the bottom of my heart, and it literally breaks my heart to see such a passionate competitive community doing everything they can to keep this game alive competitively(and the people at TF.TV as well). The worst thing is not the updates they do, or break items and such, its that they don't listen to people, or don't care too that are reaching out to valve in everyway possible saying "hey this is what we think needs to be fixed, valve can you look into it". Instead valve just does a 180 and does something completely breaks something/change something else.

And as a player that has put 5,000+ hrs into this game, and watch top invite players leave, cause they have tried to play this game for as long as they could without success money wise. Its honestly the better choice to move to OW if your a top player because you can make money at it and get lots of exposure as a player, and it has developers that care about their game.

After watching War's Rant video i agreed with him on just bout every thing he brought up, and after i watch it i just felt really sad on the inside, and made me realize unless valve kicks into high gear and actually shows they care for such a small community, maybe there is a future. But after this next I58 i really do think this game could die,or a lot people will leave cause why play a game that is buggy, devs dont care, and a 9 year old game that has a competitive scene so small, when you can switch to OW that takes less skill to get to the top, and actually make some money while doing it.

Sorry for long post i could have said alot more, i really want tf2 comp scence to live and flourish just like any player, but after seeing the Meet your Match update i can't help but to feel sad inside, cause valve just does what they want regardless of the comp community.

Anyways i love this game and this community, and i just pray it doesn't die.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Newbie Mixes over the next few weeks in TF2 General Discussion
murkscribeNope It said Server Connection Failed: The remote host closed the connection.

So I'm guessing I got denied or something.

you enter the info wrong, make sure its got no http in it

posted about 8 years ago
#18 How to atone for being a weeb ? in The Dumpster

idk why people think anime is bad. Yea there is weird shit, but come on One Punch Man was amazing. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#11 How sweaty is b4nny? in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#17 LFP IM Scout/Roamer in Recruitment (looking for players)

Watch Tambo kill this team again lol

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Demo lft HighOpen in Recruitment (looking for team)

good demo, pick him up

posted about 8 years ago
#420 I've updated some huds in Customization
HypnotizeLast two huds I was working on:


- EJP Hud (Both Centred and Lowere version)
- Thwartzki Hud

Also I can't link any more huds in the first thread because of the character limit [*]


posted about 8 years ago
#24 What do you all want out of the Pyro update? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#4 Florida LAN Pictures in LAN Discussion
ShdSteelThanks again to everyone who attended Florida LAN and made it amazing. For those of you who took videos or got any great pictures to share, feel free to post them here in this thread.

Here are some
Show Content
less then professional
pictures I took.

hot pics

posted about 8 years ago
#62 Florida Lan 2016 Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

Had tons of fun, this was my first Lan. Thanks miggy for letting me use your computer,cause mine wasn't working. Can't wait for next year hopefully it be lots bigger,where ever you decide to host it.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Amber/Wetjamal lft open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Pretty chill , needs some work, but is a solid mid open pick up.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 The future of tf2 and i58 in The Dumpster

I feel this thread has been made before...

posted about 8 years ago
#5 TF2 Config Troubles in TF2 General Discussion
lanskyIt sounds like you're missing a folder -- it should look similar to this

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\whatever\cfg\autoexec.cfg

your config/hud files go inside a folder called whatever you want, in my case 'whatever', inside of your custom folder

Lansky helping people out good job :)

posted about 8 years ago
#10 best sodas/pops in Off Topic

pib is very good love cherry soda, not alot of places around me sell it tho :(

posted about 8 years ago
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