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Signed Up March 16, 2024
Last Posted August 22, 2024 at 1:45 AM
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#57 AVI Recorder in Projects
zambzChris_This is from the games.kv txt file :

"Team Fortress 2"
"GameDir" "<library>\\steamapps\\common\\Team Fortress 2\\tf"
"Executable" "<library>\\steamapps\\common\\Team Fortress 2\\hl2.exe"
"Arguments" "-steam -game tf"
"AppId" "440"

Filename of the game changed after the 64 bit update, I don't have time to actually test the program right now but renaming both lines containing hl2.exe to tf_win64.exe got the program running for me.

still doesnt work for me lol idk what to do. it says "The given path's format is not supported."

posted 6 months ago
#7 help finding or recreating hud! in Q/A Help
lockI assume you know given your enthusiasm but they've basically converted the simple hud from the jedi knight series into tf2, the kill sound they use is the new chat message sound from the games. So that could help you source the other elements like fonts, graphics, etc.
Pretty well done, giving me a big hit of nostalgia.

yes this i have noticed and have tried to delve into the root files, but to no avail, the game is formatted so strangely. so any more assistance is appreciated, i will give the vtf thing a go (even tho i dont wanna haha)

posted 11 months ago
#1 help finding or recreating hud! in Q/A Help

Sooo, there's this guy. Used to go by Lavak in CS and now plays TF2. He has a very exclusive hud, gatekeeps very hard and its kinda cringe ngl. I want this hud, any means necessary. I will link the videos with the hud. ANY help at all is appreciated, im trying to recreate it to the best of my ability, but things like the objective element at the bottom and the changing ammo counter with "Primary," and "Secondary" and "Melee." Just general advice or resources,, thanks!!

posted 11 months ago