I don't think the ringer changed the outcome of the match. Minaaj is good of course but so is their main pocket scout and looking at the logs its not like minaaj was specifically doing anything crazy beyond having a good kd on pocket scout, nor were the matches really close enough to where a single solid performance from 1 player would've changed the outcome imo.
I also do think its very ironic for certain people on Meelo to be blaming the admins when those same players also rang someone for all of their playoffs games and they are known for consistently playing on teams with sandbaggers or sandbagging themselves (which I personally think is abusing the rules of the league way more egregiously than a main team ringing a person who is playing their first season of main).
However I also absolutely agree with Hami that ringing players in playoffs is something that is often incredibly excessive and I have seen many egregious instances of teams ringing better players all throughout playoffs when they barely rang people during their regular season. I know Hami's team last season in particular had to deal with a team that rang a confirmed cheater against them and they had literally no consequence for it. I think overall the rules for ringing players in playoffs probably needs to be more strict, especially when it comes to finding a player of "similar skill".