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Country United States
Signed Up September 3, 2013
Last Posted August 11, 2017 at 2:34 PM
Posts 116 (0 per day)
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#41 Mid-high open lf scout/med in Recruitment (looking for players)

Really good bunch of players

Hii the brazillian wonder.

Anyway goodluck to this team they deserve a great med aswell.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 scout/soldier/demo lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Reimu is a pretty extraordinary guy.

Great attitude aswell as great DM and gamesense

A good idea for a pickup

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Geo LFT Roamer/Pocket (Open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello, I go by Geo` but you can call me what you like.

I'm LFT Roamer/Pocket in either Esea/Cevo O

Why do I think I can make a good attribute too a team?
I have a calm and collected attitude and try to stay serious. I have a dark sense of humor but can tone it down if necessary and I love too hang out and make friends and have a very social edge. I play alot of other games aswell if the team wants too do something together and or bond outside of TF2.

What Experience do I have?
Mimic-E Sports (Open) (Medic/Pocket) [Died]
Tool/Atideres (Open) (Roamer) [Died]
UGC Silver DKC (Donkey Kong Crew) 6-3
UGC Steel Karma! 4-4
UGC Iron HC (High Caliber) [3rd place Iron]

And many more teams i've back uped for.

Give me a shot i'm atleast worth that!

Add me here:

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Tgb LFT Open Pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

Worth the shot!

The guy is good at DM and good at Gamesense and would make an open team happy.

Goodluck finding a team!

posted about 10 years ago
#9 New Clan in Recruitment (looking for team)

Maybe it's 8 players because subs?

Maybe i'm just being optimistic?

can we call the clan optic.

i wanna b in optic

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Hey LFT Roamer! (Open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump, I guess I feel shabby for doing this but it's kinda necessary!

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Roamer/Pocket Mid-high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Chill guy I think he's fit for the job.

He can get a little hyper active but dont we all?

Overall this guy is a good candidate for any open team at any div and could show you that he's got the skill and isn't terrible.

Try him out! He's worth it.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 Mikee LFT Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Well, lets see I personally think he's immature and has a tendency too spazz out at people for absoultely no reason and be a kid.

But do I think he's fit for an open team? Yeah, honestly everyone downvoting good results are dumb but the guy can DM and Gamesense he's just too agro.

Will he be good with comms and in general as a person? From what i've seen sadly No. But if he found a team he enjoys and actually put in time with and could deal with the little bs he has they'd do fine with him. He's not bad just doesn't know where he is in the community and has a tendency to lash out.

Overall the guys worth a tryout he will do good on your team it's his attitude that will bite you.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Hey LFT Roamer! (Open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello i'm Geo` i'm not the greatest of the great nor am I the strongest of the strong but I can sure as hell kick a fit and hopefully you'll see that. I MGE and DM and Ulti and all that good stuff looking to improve and get my feet wet in this season.

CEVO-O is the goal! I'm available pretty much everyday and at the most sparatic times. If I have to miss anything i'll notify you but i'm normally around. I do have a silver 6's team atm but i'm more commited too open and will shoot to make more scrims.

What makes me ready for Open? Honestly, I can't say i'm a special snowflake sent to rule the earth with my DM and wise Gamesense but I do come out with plays and i'm not the worst and i'm confident in my ability too do alright.I'm not the best out right now but I will attempt to improve and I work everyday at it. My mind is in improvement aslong as you can guide me through it!

I have:
*A mic
*A mumble client
*A sense of humor
*A will to improve

Season 12 Iron [2nd place] Scout
Season 13 Steel [19th place] Pocket
Season 14 Silver ??? Pocket

Season ???? (Roaming for tournaments) (Only Anime Club Members) [`<3]

Season 11 Steel Subway Megatroid Scout
Season 11 (Multiple Diffrent Steel Teams)
Season 11 Steel (RBC) Spy
Season 12 Silver Multi-Class Sub

Season 1 Steel [?? Place] Scout

I'm pretty much available anytime for tryouts! Add me if you'd like to give it a shot:

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Looking for mentor :) in Mentoring

Alright he may have shitty rep ETC but why is everyone just sitting here bashing him?

I know him personally from pugs (Hese banned now) and yes he was a dick but if hese atleast TRYING to show change give him a chance?

Well toaster you're in some deep shit bud goodluck getting out.

posted about 11 years ago
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