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Signed Up July 28, 2022
Last Posted January 4, 2025 at 8:39 PM
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#2 how to learn french in Off Topic

Pinch your nose when you speak.

posted 1 week ago
#17 incoming 6s noobs truth nuke? in TF2 General Discussion
brodywhy would someone who only plays jailbreak or trade servers care about competitive players at all? i get why pubbers might see competitive as a toxic perverse version of the game they like but if im a 24/7 jailbreak or surf player i would not gaf about either pubs or 6s

They don’t. They don’t interact with the base game in any capacity, and so they have nothing to speak about.

The minority is oftentimes the most vocal in this community. I’d like to imagine the distribution has changed since the graphic was initially created, but it’s still the same group of people who complain on behalf of everybody.

posted 2 weeks ago
#11 when will rgl release the backlog of medals in TF2 General Discussion

I was really hoping rgl would shut down like ugc

posted 4 weeks ago
#31 a call for tf2 storytellers in TF2 General Discussion

Jon bois-style tf2 video on statistical outliers and cryptid players

posted 1 month ago
#9 Space Exploration Vs. After Life Exploration in Off Topic

Both fields of study can coexist at the same time, but the fact of the matter is that scientists (and financial sponsors) will be inherently more interested in exploring the tangible universe than dedicating resources towards the metaphysical questions pertaining to life after death.

Beyond a certain point, there’s only so much we can do to study a discipline that literally doesn’t exist (in the sense that it is immaterial). You’re essentially asking why don’t scientists who study the natural world dedicate their time to studying a field that concerns itself with proving consciousness after the physical body (and thereby the only quantifiable way of measuring consciousness) is destroyed.

Not that there’s a verifiable way to prove there isn’t life after death, but I wouldn’t expect a conclusive breakthrough in our lifetime’s given the only real information we can ethically source on the topic is near-death testimonies.

posted 1 month ago
#16 How to delete tf2tv profile? in Site Discussion
PatrickBateman(after he got exposed for being a sexual deviant)

Is this how you get your account deleted?

posted 1 month ago
#34 Offi: browser plugin in Projects

this looks like a cool project. Not sure how it would work for players who have accounts on both platforms, but rgl integration would be neat nonetheless :)

posted 1 month ago
#15 AimTech 2024 Smissmas Cup in TF2 General Discussion

Why does your online personality almost entirely revolve around this one facet of your life.

posted 1 month ago
#4 Control point hologram remover in Customization

Thank you too bad about touhou skins though

posted 1 month ago
#14 american election in Off Topic

She made a map for Fortnite, what can you really say? Her demographic was people who aren’t even going to be eligible to vote in the next election.

posted 2 months ago
#11 chat is this real in Customization

B4nny would need a sub if he were to ever set foot in a phantom forces lobby

posted 2 months ago
#55 Yight has left froyo in TF2 General Discussion

Unfortunately tf2 is not like whiplash. Screaming at the people beneath you until they conform is counterproductive when it comes to learning, nor is it fun.
The difference between him and the 1000 other players who are stuck in lower divs is that said players are stuck in lower divs for a reason, whereas b4nny is the most winningest player and still acts like he’s in open.

posted 2 months ago
#244 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

Also lol referring to the USS Maine as a false flag. The USA already had enough reasons to enter the war (namely Monroe doctrine but also le imperialism eecks dee)…
They exhumed the wreck and concluded it was a mine that ignited the Maine’s internal fuel storage. War was eminent anyways, especially with public opinion in favor of it. mckinley only conceded to not look weak. The United States had no reason to blow up their own ship. What is this schizo ass thread

posted 3 months ago
#240 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
JwAs for Pearl Harbor, there are basically 2 questions that can help us determine whether it was an inside job (of the third type) or not.
  1. Was the Japanese code cracked prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor?
  2. Did the Japanese planes approaching Pearl Harbor maintain radio silence with one another?
If the answer to question 1 is "yes, the code was already cracked" and the answer to question 2 is "no, they did not maintain radio silence," then Pearl Harbor was an inside job. It means officials saw the attack coming and let it happen. As it turns out, it is 100%, without a doubt the case that the Japanese code was cracked (so we knew what they were saying to one another) and that the Japanese did not maintain radio silence. This is a summary of the case that Pearl Harbor was an inside job, and it's basically as strong of a case as the JFK assassination, 9/11 being an inside job, etc.

Except it is known that the IJN was able to skirt past Americans specifically because they maintained complete radio silence (as dictated by Yamamoto) and followed a route that was out of the way of American bases. Even so, it was due to radio deception by the Japanese leading up to the war and the dismissal of a Oahu-based radar which picked up the approaching planes that allowed the Japanese to get so close without being spotted. We know this because of information + PoWs obtained during the war as well as information being decrypted and translated during the postwar period. You can watch YouTube videos online of Japanese pilots stating exactly how they prepared for and attacked Pearl Harbor.

Also, as previously stated, claiming Americans had already cracked the Japanese’s code prior to Pearl Harbor is only partially true. There was no singular code during the war; the Japanese were aware of American/UK code breaking abilities and took great care in utilizing several different codes throughout the conflict. Americans were able to crack many of their codes such as Purple, but many remained unsolved at the time of the attack, such as JN-40.

US was already involved in Europe in many ways to the point Roosevelt had even implemented a “shoot on sight” order for US ships due to U-Boat aggression and had the lend-lease agreement going for almost a year at this point. It is ridiculous to suggest that the United States would intentionally sacrifice one of their most vital tools for winning a war (several naval bases in the pacific (Guam, Philippines, and wake island were also targeted in the attack)) just to enter said war. Especially when the tripartite pact was essentially a defensive agreement, meaning that the US orchestrating an attack on themselves would not only jeopardize their abilities to wage a naval war with no guarantees of actually entering world war 2 in the first place.

posted 3 months ago
#222 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

Hey guys I like cookies and puppies what do you like

posted 3 months ago
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