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Signed Up May 26, 2016
Last Posted February 25, 2021 at 5:55 PM
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#4 Can't Hear Crusader's Crossbow Heal Noise? in Q/A Help
  1. Delete all files relating to the sound cache (.sound.cache or sound.cache in your custom folders). Run the game and run snd_restart. Move on to the next step if that doesn't work.
  2. Reinstall the game files by deleting all of them (except your stuff of course) and verifying integrity of game files. Move on to the next step if that doesn't work.
  3. Run a clean version of TF2 and see if it works.

thank you! first step worked. not sure why someone downvoted your reply lol

ok.. i also don't see the "heal numbers" like the green +85 when i heal someone. any ideas for that?
i do see damage numbers both above the person and on my hud but not heal numbers.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Can't Hear Crusader's Crossbow Heal Noise? in Q/A Help

I've had this issue for a while. All the other sounds in my game work just fine, and I don't have any sound mods (I even use default hitsound and killsound), but for some reason when someone gets healed with a crossbow it just doesn't play any noise.
Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

posted about 4 years ago
#69 ultiduo_baloo in Map Discussion
bshearok ive been meaning to make this update for a while but i sorta forgot til a dude named gloob reminded me. so here is the long awaited stair update@@@@

id like to point out the the update fixes splash damage on the stairs

posted about 8 years ago