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Signed Up April 20, 2013
Last Posted January 3, 2019 at 6:03 AM
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#314 GXL LAN 2015 in News

lfr buckeye arizona

posted about 9 years ago
#4 What do you look for in a frag video? in Videos

My favorite things about the good frag videos are generally how well the song goes with the way the video was made, the frags, the syncs, and the players. I want to see the frags, not lens flare and overly edited clips where I can't even see who the players are. Music is great but if you combine a great song with bad frags it just doesn't feel as satisfying to watch. Airshots, players, good music, syncs. I think those are the things I look for most in a frag video.

posted about 9 years ago
#84 i55 UF – froyotech vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

this may be one of the best bo3's in the history of tf2

posted about 9 years ago
#61 Top 10 TF2 plays - June 2015 in News

please have a top 50 plays for this whole series of i55

posted about 9 years ago
#59 Top 10 TF2 plays - June 2015 in News

top 10 plays with i55 only please.. so many insane plays

posted about 9 years ago
#11 i55 UF – froyotech vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

39 total airshots, 25 between blaze and b4nny, 23 minute game on viaduct crazy entertaining game

posted about 9 years ago
#15 i55 prize pool increased AGAIN to £10,000 in News


posted about 9 years ago
#21 Top 10 TF2 plays - June 2015 in News
KanecorowrowTo be fair, I don't imagine eXtv receive enough high quality clip submissions of decent plays to put together a top 10 that feels like a top 10. If eXtv opened up their submissions from league-only clips to any match/pug clips from that month, we'd be seeing good clips monthly.There's a lot of clips from these top10 that arent from leagues, there's a lot of lobby clips actually.People just omit that for a cheap shot at their 15 mins of fame and I cant really fault Luke for most of that, but there are some glaring ones that even so you can clearly see it's from a lobby...
Also with 100k subs Im sure theres more than enough material. Hell, I received 11 submissions on comptf this month and there's better demos than these.

Myself and many others I've talked to have admitted to submitting decent clips that are much more worthy of being in the top 10 plays. But that's also kind of my point is that there are so many subs and people willing to submit great clips yet they still choose to display shenanigans with unlocks and pyro/snipers every month.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Top 10 TF2 plays - June 2015 in News
rowrowTo be fair, I don't imagine eXtv receive enough high quality clip submissions of decent plays to put together a top 10 that feels like a top 10. If eXtv opened up their submissions from league-only clips to any match/pug clips from that month, we'd be seeing good clips monthly.

I find it hard to believe that all of these clips are from league matches. But yea you're right and I agree with that.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Top 10 TF2 plays - June 2015 in News

disappointing... especially as a soldier main there are hardly any respectable or serious clips from 6s and its kind of a turn off to see silly shenanigans especially a taunt kill. It just seems like you don't respect the game or competitive when you display clips like that. It's hard to take the game serious when some of the clips are portrayed in a video where it's supposed to be the top 10 best plays of the month. I also don't really get why every month there are atleast 7 sniper/scout/pyro clips. Every month I look forward to something better than last month but I'm just disappointed as always. Please improve the quality of these "top 10 plays." And if its not your fault because of lack of clips being sent in I'm sorry. But it's really frustrating to be let down every month. And I know I'm not alone here.....

Some of the clips you put in are actually good, but when the number one clip is a soda popper scout, or something else kind of ridiculous and pyros rule the world in every one of your videos its extremely frustrating.

posted about 9 years ago
#35 Is in-game shit talk a good or a bad thing? in Off Topic

I'd rather call it trash talking because that's what it's called everywhere outside of games. In basketball trash talking used to be a big part of the game, and I think its healthy. Trash talking is great for spectators, it's entertaining from an outside point of view. Nobody wants to see two teams play against each other and end every game with a good sportsmanlike "gg". Especially if it was a roll like 5-0. Because that's not a gg.

Trash talking = character. Doublelift is a prime example of this. Nobody here may follow league of legends, but he basically trash talked anyone and everyone and it made it extremely enjoyable to watch.

There is a HUGE difference between trash talking just to make yourself feel good and the other person feel bad, and trash talking light heartedly, not crossing any personal lines and doing it for the purpose of amusement. This is just from personal experience in why I might trash talk, although I only do it because it makes myself and my teammates laugh. It's great for morale, and entertaining spectators. Just don't let your emotions dictate what you say.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 High Open Team LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

I love fishy and I love soapy what could go wrong with this team? Deer is a really cool dude who's pretty good at the soldier class. This team sounds really chill so far so if that's what you're into go for it. Soapy is pretty good at everything, solid mechanics all-round. Fishy can easily play open med and steadily improve at a rate to reach high open pretty quickly. This could end up being a solid open team, especially if the right players are picked up along with the talent that's already here. Playoffs seem almost guaranteed, just don't expect to be top of open in the first night of scrims.


posted about 9 years ago
#180 ESEA-I S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not making a team. I'm pocketing for Getawhale Fanclub and aim is roaming. Connor left to join the military to pay for college.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 Things You do to Help Fall Asleep in Off Topic

I think about food, what would be good to eat, what would be good to make tomorrow, ect.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 demo call in TF2 General Discussion

i think ive submitted demos to the past 3 demo call threads youve made :(

posted about 9 years ago
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