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Signed Up April 20, 2013
Last Posted October 29, 2017 at 2:23 PM
Posts 845 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 54
#2 LF Team Mentor in Mentoring

Seriously in need of some help, bump.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Top 10 TF2 plays - December 2014 in Videos
kirbyIf there is such a lack of content to where the concept of "top 10" stops being about the best clips of the month and more about "just whatever we get", maybe the series should either cease to be or become annual/seasonal.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

posted about 10 years ago
#79 Single Player games in Other Games
oxinaigr8stalin-Way too many good games-
Yo, Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered come out in late Feb.

Don't give money to Randy Pitchford. Dude's a sleazebag.

posted about 10 years ago
#75 Single Player games in Other Games


  • Star Wars Republic Commando
  • Planescape Torment
  • Deus Ex (Personally I like Deus Ex and HR even though some people don't like HR's piss filter and consolized bits but don't fuck wit Invisible War we don't talk about that game around here shit never existed)
  • Teleglitch
  • Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (comes with both ASCII and tilesets - along these lines you can also buy Tales of Maj'Eyal)
  • Ziggurat
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • Hotline Miami
  • The Legend of Heroes: TiTS
  • Thief Series minus THIAF (aka THI4F)
  • DOOM (don't fuck wit 3 shit's for gay niggas)
  • FTL (you can put 40 hours into the game and only just scratch the surface of gittin' gud, same w/ almost all roguelikes)
  • Half Minute Hero
  • Stronghold & Stronghold Crusader HD
  • Oniken
  • STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat (don't fuck wit Clear Sky unless you can handle crashing)
  • Tower of Guns
  • Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
  • Duke Nukem 3D (WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT DNF)
  • XIII (you're gonna have to get this one from Good ol' Games it's worth it though)
  • Homeworld series (super hard to get unless you
    Show Content
    it but 100% worth it, one of four RTS games with a z-axis that matters)
  • World in Conflict (the second of four RTS games with a z-axis that matters, kick-ass campaign, if you like WiC grab this game's granpappy Ground Control)
  • Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
  • Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War

That should keep anyone busy for a few weeks/months.

BenroadsI really enjoyed Shining Force 1 and 2, you'd need to get a genesis emulator and the ROMs but they're pretty easy to find. (Shining Force 1) (Shining Force 2)


posted about 10 years ago
#23 Team Fortress 2 Open Source in Projects
404UserNotFound we've also added new weapons such as the Nailgun and SMG for the Scout, the Lead Pipe for the Heavy, Tranquilizer Gun for the Spy, a "trailer" Rocket Launcher (with rocket sticking out the front and increase rocket jump height) for the Soldier, and a custom 1-shot grenade launcher for the Demoman.

Can you not, please?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 LF Team Mentor in Mentoring

I'm reusing this thread:

I'm looking for a team mentor for the motley band of players I've inherited now formally known as "ESEA Can't Melt Steel Teams". I've been playing this game for an embarrassingly long amount of time and I am still not good at a lot of things in comparison to others who have been playing for equal or less time, and maincalling and identifying team problems are two of them. As a team, there is a lot that we collectively don't know how to fix. We teeter between putting up a fight and getting our faces rolled a fair bit unless someone is ringing for us. Some of our problems lie in the fact that we're still trying to find out who on the team has the best ability to maincall and we feed at times, and these translate into all sorts of odd positioning issues. Personally I think I'm not doing enough damage. Last season we'd review demos of ourselves and of better teams but the latter had mixed results. We scrim pretty often, 4 or 5 days/week with at least 3 scrims/day. There's a lot that I don't know; I kind of have a peanut brain so learning video game related things is hard if it doesn't immediately click and if you need proof of this just ask conductor and he will confirm that yes, I have not improved a whole lot.

I don't like heavily imposing on people but I want my team to have a good time but actually be able to be happy that we've improved and not disappoint the two three new additions we've picked up. I don't care about putting up eye-popping 450dpm stats myself and I don't expect overnight miracles. If anyone legitimately in the ballpark of mid-IM could spare time every so often to give my squad the boost we need, I dunno what else I could say or give besides my thanks.

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I can craft you some virtual cosmetics with the refined metal I've stockpiled over the last few weeks if you really want something
posted about 10 years ago
#24 Common Core in Off Topic

My mom's been in the teaching game since before I was born and she's still in it as a tutor even in retirement, and she's told me that the Common Core is a good idea that needs to be refined and actually taught to teachers before it's taught to students. From what she's seen in the NYS public and private school system, almost every school teaches for "the tests" (ex. the PSAT, SAT, and ACT) and rarely do they teach for understanding. There's no unified education requirement and it allows schools to get away with JUST teaching for "the tests" and inflate grades for funding bonuses since the United States would rather pump money into DARPA, DiGRA, the NSA, pet projects, etc. for bullshit nonsense instead of education. Regardless, she's seen the counting circles inside of circles stuff that the current Common Core is teaching and she thinks it's the biggest dumpster fire she's ever seen (not her words obviously).

I can't speak for anyone else in NYC but when I was in 3rd grade or so my class got a demo of Common Core math called TERC which involved students making visual and physical associations with tiny to medium sized blocks: single tiny blocks would be 1 unit, 10 of those would be 1 row of 10, 10 rows of 10 would be 100, etc. The problem is, the principal decided that it would be an AWESOME idea to have TERC programs be the only way that math was taught. That was stupid and ruined the point of TERC. The new bullshit they've got in the common core with the circles and the bizarre tally marks? And that's supposed to be the standard of education that's supposed to be taught for understanding of all things? Completely retarded.
[Edit: these were physical blocks mind you, not drawings]

There's also a bit of a human element that's afraid of change in this, as well. If any of you have LinkedIn accounts, try to peep some of the "new SAT" discussion - lot of tutors are pissing themselves about the world is going to hell in a handbasket because the SAT team is making the test harder to combat grade inflation.

Dr. Duke Pesta talks about his anti-Common Core position and while anyone should take anything they see on the internet with a grain of salt, he raises some important points concerning the LibArts section, especially the "required reading materials" which are completely nonsensical for even middle schoolers because the topics they cover are such ones that they're not emotionally (biologically, as in their mental facilities have not developed enough) and intellectually mature enough to process. It's a pretty long speech even from the timestamp I've included so listen if you're interested, jump around to find the literature parts if you're not. If you ask me, I'll be against the Common Core until they fix it so that it allows teachers to teach so that students can understand; toss all of this art-fart and sociologist business into the trash.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Windows 10 is a free upgrade for 7+ users for year in Off Topic



posted about 10 years ago
#185 The Supposed God of Demoman in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#218 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

Been itching to play this or cpma because I'd rather not play TF2 for a pub/fun game fix but both are pretty dead for their own reasons and I'd rather play with someone who's not a complete stranger. Down to duel, CA, ctf, etc, open to anyone who's legitimately looking to teach someone ins & outs of dueling, hit me up.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 The Supposed God of Demoman in TF2 General Discussion
I've always played shooters with a controller and even IF I used a keyboard and mouse, players with higher quality keyboards and mice would have an advantage (So you can't play the controller disadvantage card! Let me restate my wins against plat players consistently, for what it's worth)

I used

from like 2008 to 2010, this guy needs to git gud.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Looking cool in The Dumpster

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Getting into Music Reviewing in Off Topic
TJBI'm trying to get into music reviewing/journalism, but I'm unsure where to start.
Also if you have an album I want to review I will do so when I'm free - msg me or post in this thread.
Any possible suggestions as to where I could send some work in or places that I can ask for work experience?

Do you have writing samples? If no, get some. You'll need 'em.

posted about 10 years ago
#203 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

So I can actually use this post in a constructive way instead of being beat to the punch by Benroads.

If you want to edit the hitsounds and kill notification sound, it's really easy and simply requires that you have Audacity. For reference, I changed the kill notification sound to:

Changing the pitch of your hitsound doesn't seem too hard even though I have no real experience editing sounds outside of micspam for HLDJ/HLSS back in the day, a replacement for most of the Demoman lines with a bunch of Marauder voicelines from Starcraft 2, and hitsounds for TF2.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 My TF2 Sniper fragvideo in Videos
ComangliaMan, why'd you guys ridicule this guy for ruining TF2centers for new players/less green players looking to get their feet wet? I'm gonna call you guys toxic because I can't really think of any legitimate way to defend this guy and attack the main argument that states that the OP sucked the fun out of multiple centers against people just looking to play a lax game of 6s. You guys should seriously stop being toxic for the sake of being toxic because it's not funny and it's going to drive people like OP away.

Well gorsh, I'm sorry, hyuk. Ah guess I'lla retreat tuh my home unner tha bridge, a-hyuk.

posted about 10 years ago
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