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Signed Up July 13, 2017
Last Posted May 11, 2024 at 1:57 AM
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#80 This person should not be in this community in Off Topic


posted 9 months ago
#6 [Stream] sigh in Requests

I don't see it there.

posted 10 months ago
#159 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

im sure others have seen this, but thought id post it
looks very blatant to me

ok he's cheating!
why you gotta reveal that after i make my whole ass paragraph man

but fr, the more clips like that u can collect the stronger case can be made

posted 10 months ago
#157 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone who plans on looking at demos of yen and finding clips please download Casting Essentials and enable damage numbers. Many in this thread are acting like you have to be lobotomized to not see "blatant" cheats, but imo none of these clips in isolation "prove" anything, regardless of how they may look in the video (mostly due to the very small sample size and lack of damage numbers).

The guy is very likely cheating with an aim-key or something adjacent, but making definitive judgments off of <4 minutes of STV scout footage and insulting anyone who disagrees makes this thread feel more like a witch-hunt than others in the past. Its good content tho, so don't stop!

Obviously the strangest thing about this dude's gameplay is the constant target switching. I think finding more clips of him doing that specifically will be key in determining if he is using any sort of assist; however, damage numbers might reveal previously inconspicuous clips as more damning evidence.

posted 10 months ago
#8 RGL 6S SEASON SUMMARY!!! | in Projects

I have the highest Kills per Minute on Demoman in the league ?

posted about a year ago
#71 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

this whole thread feels like an ARG

posted about a year ago
#5 epic funny tf2 mods in TF2 General Discussion
lamtowhere is the one where medic heals with a beam from his hand

posted about a year ago
#67 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects


posted about a year ago
#8 RGB LAN 6 in LAN Discussion

IMO I don't mind if the event isn't run on b4nny config, especially if scheduling is the chief concern.

TheFragileIf the game is tied after 30 minutes, the tiebreaker will be decided by golden cap. If this occurs in group stage, there will be a 10 minute time limit, and if there is no victor by that time, then whoever controls mid is the winner. If this occurs in the double elimination bracket, there will be no time limit for golden cap.

Although not an ideal rule set, this fix probably works to keep games finishing on time, at least for group stage. Again, my only real request is that the archaic 10-minute timer not be present. A 4-minute timer has already proven to make games more enjoyable for spectators and players.

I also agree with sandblast that having a two day event would be far superior, but if the logistics of the rest of the LAN make this unfeasible, so be it.

posted about a year ago
#4 RGB LAN 6 in LAN Discussion

In the rule set can you make sure that round timer is set to 4 minutes? Last RGB the round timer was 10 minutes long and it felt incredibly dated to play.

posted about a year ago
#6 can someone explain what happened here? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#143 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
cereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan

the guy has been banned twice now for cheating. this is no longer an accusation, bro has been Convicted!

posted about a year ago
#18 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

jesus fucking christ

posted about a year ago
#5 what plant is this? in World Events

genius post. i understand now...

posted about a year ago
#2 Can I get unbanned from pughub pls in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
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