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Signed Up March 25, 2014
Last Posted September 23, 2022 at 10:01 PM
Posts 311 (0.1 per day)
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#100 Apex Legends in Other Games

I thought it was Atlanta, not apex?

posted about 5 years ago
#65 RGL 6s league in TF2 General Discussion


6 Engineers, we already have 3

posted about 5 years ago
#6 RGL Highlander S2 W1: Class of 3000 vs. Rewind in Events

HL coverage is back? That's too bad, it was a good move to get rid of it.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 ESEA S29 W2: Faint Gaming vs. Ascent in Matches

Go Faint!

posted about 6 years ago
#7 ESEA S29 W1: FROYOBLACK vs. SVIFT NA in Matches

Grand Finals preview right here

posted about 6 years ago
#82 Why are you still here? in TF2 General Discussion

The community 100%. The amount of amazing content created by members of this community is unrivaled. Everytime I see a TF2 video or stream(be it a pub, sfm, fragvid, or anything else) I'm tempted to play the game again. The gameplay holds up super wells as well, I still find myself playing between classes with minimal graphics settings with super high ping in pubs because it's worth it just to play the game.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 ETF2L Highlander S16 Grand Final: Strong Opinions vs. Feila eSports in Events


posted about 6 years ago
#119 ESEA Season 29 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Assuming froyo black/20b aren't gonna be no scrim teams like they have been before

1. Froyo Black
2. Svift
3. Froyo
4. Velocity
5. Faint
6. Mentality
7. 20b
8. omni5
9. King's Crew

posted about 6 years ago
#69 REALTALK.TF in TF2 General Discussion

How come I can't view the old posts

posted about 6 years ago
#333 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
PredI disagree with the ban.

And they still aren't banned

posted about 6 years ago
#27 Any TF2 Repfam in Off Topic

Am I the only one who thought this post was gonna be about reppin' tf2 irl?

posted about 6 years ago
#51 no disrespect in TF2 General Discussion

Even when the production was lacking the casting/commentating/hosting was still amazing.

The extra content was really varying in quality, the interviews I saw were consistently good content wise but they all seemed to have a very loud noise(wind or crowds) drowning out the people talking and it seemed random which teams had them and which ones did not. The trivia was pretty good too and got most of the twitch chat to try to play along although if this was the goal, you would never tell by the questions(How many new people are aware of who Pyyour is? Certainly none know about the cooking video). The marriage game was probably the worst executed since it had a lot of dead time and spent a lot of time talking about players not at the lan, not a great way to get new players interested.

posted about 6 years ago
#133 Insomnia63: Grand Finals in Events
Getawhaleyomps you had such an amazing weekend, take us through it


And you insist you aren't a shit poster

posted about 6 years ago
#39 i63 copy pasta thread in LAN Discussion

When cookiejake was 10 his teacher askd "what do u wana do when u are invite?" and cookiejake said "be medic". the teacher said "u didn't understand question" and cookiejake said "u dont understandbeing bad at scout and switching to med.". The teacher was saam, upfrag if u beliv in cookiejake

Habib is honestly the best demo man I've ever seen, on top of being chill and hilarious at the same time, you're simply awesome @habib_6ix_god I've always looked up to you as my main demo inspiration since I mained demo and you never seize to impress me and just watching your plays @habib_6ix_god encourages me to take upon your legacy and I'm now piping people, left, right and centre. I can't thank you enough @habib_6ix_god You're a beast and a legend.

50 years later, I was face to face with him at the deli. He was holding 20 pounds of soggy steak in his arms like he didn't realize the store had shopping carts. "How many LANs did you win?" I managed to cough out. "All of them. I won all of them," he said, stroking his meat. We embraced.

Wow you guys are shitting on Froyo like you guys are any better. I bet you guys and your shitty teams would be rolled 100-0 by rando alone. So just shut up. NERDS

All of you boytoys saying stark is a way beter scout than haffi SHUT THEF UCK UP. Haffi does all the work in nerdrage, stark just cleans up the frags. no one remembers back in season 22 when haffi killed 5 people pushing mid only with kaptain. ye, what now?

posted about 6 years ago
#151 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
rongoldecision like this sets a big fucking precedent, and if other players don't get similar punishments for similar actions, it'll be clear that major players in the community are just flexing their power to protect their friends.

Agreed, hopefully, more people who spout bigoted drivel will receive bans as well

posted about 6 years ago
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