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Last Posted January 29, 2013 at 9:16 PM
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#18 TLR Banned? in TF2 General Discussion
enigmahalodosits not even required to give it out for a job interview or the job itselfwat

yeah i got rid of the job part after i thought about it for a second. but seriously, esea requires a SSN? why?

posted about 12 years ago
#16 TLR Banned? in TF2 General Discussion
harbleutehh4ck3rharbleui was banned too :(
forgot to give esea my ssn woopsssss
do you know what happened (assuming you guys weren't actually guilty of payment fraud)?
lol we just needed to send esea our ssn. they'll unban tlr once he sends it. sorry for ruining the mystery.

jeeeesus that's a high level identification for a league for an online game? its not even required to give it out for a job interview or the job itself(nvm)

posted about 12 years ago