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Signed Up April 12, 2014
Last Posted December 6, 2020 at 2:11 PM
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#2792 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 9 years ago
#14 ETF2L Mid Week 5: 66 Degrees North vs. fm-eSports in Events

looking forward to some big dh airshots

posted about 9 years ago
#94 New Weapon Ideas? in TF2 General Discussion

Not a new weapon idea but I would like them to rebalance the Solemn Vow so that it heals instead of doing damage, would apply to enemies as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#61 Request demos in TF2 General Discussion

Is it too much to ask for etf2l seasons 16, 17 and 18 as well as i46?

posted about 10 years ago
#2500 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 10 years ago
#3 Lawena Recording Tool and Invisible TF2 in Q/A Help
zookeyWhat do you mean the whole window is see through? Your game? If so i can see it being that your tf2 launch options are causing some kind of error if you have some

Yeah that's what I mean. I removed all launch options but I'm still getting the same error with dxlevel 80 and 81. Although I can see the main menu on DxLevel 90, 95 and 98 I can't do anything or click anything.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Lawena Recording Tool and Invisible TF2 in Q/A Help

Basically whenever I launch tf2 through Lawena the game loads and I can click on my menu but the whole window is see through. Like so http://i.imgur.com/JM8KcKQ.png

posted about 10 years ago
#5 phAZED and Confused in Videos

Since you're looking for criticism I'll just run over some stuff.

@0:10 I would have had the title come in as the music kicks off, the titles appearance seems sort of random. You could also have just had it earlier and start the frags then as it would fit the lyrics of 'kick back and relax'. Lastly if you had just delayed a little more the demo head shot would have been on the same beat as the trumpets at 9 seconds.

@0:16-045 Do you have some sort of effect on the footage? The brightness or colour tone seems to change a lot. And although it's not that bad here you could just cut instead of speeding up the footage. That also gives you a lot more room to cut shots to the beat.

@0:45 Looks nice but the shot lasts too long. If I was doing it I'd probably cut for each drum beat leading to the drop. Or you could have multiple frags and use the build up by showing brief glimpses of the players before they get picked. If you really wanted it this way then I'd have just cut the audio. Don't feel too pressured in fitting the frags to the music, hop into audacity and you could easily cut 0:46 to 0:51 and make it seamless.

@0:57 Just a side note but the zoom the sniper does probably wasn't intentional. But you could make it so. Just briefly cut the footage and zoom in then have a sniper over lay to the beat. Or change view models like your player is changing theirs. Hop into a green screen server and record view models and rerecord your footage without them. It's all about making your video as interesting as possible between frags. Some take this by just jamming in loads of frags, which is another option if you have the footage.

@1:08 Knowing when to cut is another thing. Your subject got the frag, we don't need to see them pushing the cart. If you want it to fill the music then just cut the music. You could easily drop a few of these verses.

@1:31 Again lots we don't need to see, just cut to the spy/heavy. Your subject has a kill streak, we'll know it's the same clip.

@2:15 Why look up? The main thing happening here is the bomb falling. Focus on what's interesting.

@2:17 If you're doing smooths hop into a practice server and record a demo doing nothing for a minute. By using the same demo as the frags you get the player jumping/crouching in the smooth.
Rest of the video is more of the same. Keep editing and just focus on cleaning up your work. Although you should be editing to the music that means more hitting the frags with the beat and less stretching out footage.

Sry for wall of text, hope some of that helps.
Edit: cleaning up typos

posted about 10 years ago
#78 What was the best fragmovie you ever watched? in Videos

I sadly can't find a non blocked part two.

posted about 10 years ago
#1665 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 10 years ago
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