Watching Shade's Vlogs and the casts of Lan have gotten me all excited, and I have decided to host a lan at my house, albeit a slightly smaller one than ESEA. Have invited 10 people, a mixture of laptop and desktop users. I've done it before, and it went pretty well but there were things that needed improvements, and I have a few questions
-My router only has 4 lan slots. Last time the laptop users were pretty screwed by the internet, with massive packet loss between the 6 of them to one router. Is there a way to turn those 4 lan slots into more? Can I connect another router to the phone line?
-What are good games to play at lans? We'll be playing tf2, with some prophunt, saxton hale, maybe some bball or something, but we need some others. Preferably not internet-reliant (e.g. I can host the server myself) as internet speeds in New Zealand are pretty shitty and between 10 people it isnt great.
-Any other just general tips for fun lans?
Cheers lads!