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Last Posted June 16, 2016 at 11:05 AM
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#2 New Open team LF Mentor in Mentoring

Bump - we're still looking for someone. If you have time to take a look at a demo review or go over a map with a team that's really hungry for some feedback, please let me know.


posted about 8 years ago
#1 New Open team LF Mentor in Mentoring

My team has been together for about a year now, playing in UGC Iron through Silver, and this season we've finally made the jump to ESEA. We're dedicated to improving and have worked with different mentors in the past, and we really do our best when we're receiving regular feedback and criticism on our gameplay.

We're looking for someone to meet with us about once week and sit in on a scrim or do a demo review. Right now we need help with our general coordination and positioning during team fights.

We're preferably looking for someone High Open/IM+ who's ok working with a full team.



posted about 8 years ago
#54 New Open Teams, how's your season going? in TF2 General Discussion
DanceNumberhearts_KevinIsPwnDefinitely planning on doing another one, though.
I'm really glad to hear you'll be running another Newbie drive - my team is transitioning from UGC and this is exactly the kind of support that would be incredibly helpful to players like us. We were really interested in participating last time around, but we decided against it due to the fact that one of the stipulations was that coaches got to pick teams and we didn't want to be separated after three seasons of playing together.

I'd like to ask you and the coaches to consider taking on teams like mine, in addition to forming them from the Mixes. We already have the chemistry and dedication, we just need the guidance and its been tough finding mentors to help along the way.

Best of luck to you and your team, but remember that even IF no one is able to help you as a coach or whatever, you as a team can still start playing esea. All you need to do is a set a scrim schedule, find scrims on discord and sign up for esea. You can find your own road and you don't need your hand held.

Thanks for the feedback - we'll probably end up doing Open next season with or without help, but it's hard going in blind. I know many have done it without 'having their hands held' as you said, but the growing we've done when we've had a mentor to guide us has been in leaps and bounds. You'll only go so far watching videos on YouTube, and there are so many things inexperienced teams might not even realize they're doing wrong because they lack that background. Working with someone with the experience and foresight is the whole point of this drive and finding a mentor at all.

We're resourceful, and I know many teams are, and left to our own devices we can figure things out, but it's the difference between having a teacher and tackling the text book on your own. With proper feedback you just learn better and faster, and have greater insight into your mistakes. Like I said, we've been together for three seasons and we do okay on our own, but we perform at our best when we have someone to help. So I have my fingers crossed that teams like mine will be considered for the next Newbie drive.

posted about 9 years ago
#50 New Open Teams, how's your season going? in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnDefinitely planning on doing another one, though.

I'm really glad to hear you'll be running another Newbie drive - my team is transitioning from UGC and this is exactly the kind of support that would be incredibly helpful to players like us. We were really interested in participating last time around, but we decided against it due to the fact that one of the stipulations was that coaches got to pick teams and we didn't want to be separated after three seasons of playing together.

I'd like to ask you and the coaches to consider taking on teams like mine, in addition to forming them from the Mixes. We already have the chemistry and dedication, we just need the guidance and its been tough finding mentors to help along the way.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 LF Team Mentor (UGC team) in Mentoring


I lead a Steel UGC team and we're looking for a mentor. We're a dedicated team with good instincts for our division, and we're very committed to improving. We worked with two mentors in the past and are very responsive to feedback and coaching. We understand what our general weaknesses are, and it would be nice to get a helping hand from an experienced player to help put that knowledge to use and fine tune things along the way.

Thanks for reading! If you'd like to help us out and share some of your knowledge with us, it would be amazingly appreciated!

Please add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/les_sauvages/

posted about 9 years ago