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SteamID64 76561198067588335
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:53661303
Country Australia
Signed Up April 4, 2016
Last Posted November 22, 2021 at 8:59 PM
Posts 21 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.7
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G Pro Wireless
Keyboard Logitech G710+
Mousepad Logitech G240 5mm Cloth
Headphones HyperX Cloud 2
Monitor ASUS VG248QE
1 2
#1 OZF 32 SF: X-files vs. xeno in Events


posted about 3 years ago
#1 ozfortress Season 32 Premier Preview in News

alt spy will carry us to first place.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 stream listing in Requests

name: heebs
i play prem scout in aus

just started streaming my scrims, will definitely be doing more in the future :)

will mostly be tf2 but might stream some other games too

posted about 3 years ago
#3 ozfortress Summer Cup 2021 Div 1 Preview in News

can't wait to see GlobalClan.AU win this tournament. lexx and starb to pound

posted about 4 years ago
#1 OZF 29 W2: mge zombies vs. Taylor Swift Fan Club in Events

it's now tonight (wed) 9pm aest

posted about 4 years ago
#3659 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulYou can probably afford better RAM, 18-22-22-42 isn't exactly the cream of the crop.
Internally the BarraCuda 510 is more or less the same as the cheaper MP510 or MP34 and not any faster iirc.
If you want to stay in that price bracket but can afford an extra 10$ (you really should) the EX950 or Sabrent Rocket (not Q) would be faster, with the Rocket being the faster of the two.

Yes, keeping the PSU is fine. That's a 200W build without the GPU, official GPU TDPs are usually 250W or lower and I really don't think you're going to buy 2080 Ti or Titan so there's really no chance of you getting a GPU with an actual power consumption over 300W (most likely it's going to be something around 200W) so I don't see a reason why you'd need a PSU with more than 500W anyway. Yes, AMD and nVidia like to put 700W PSUs as recommended minimum for a 200W GPU and 850W for a 300W GPU because some vendors (not manufacturers, vendors that just print a logo on blank 20$ PSUs bought in bulk from whichever Chinese manufacturer had some lying around) decided that because hooking up hardware with a combined TDP of 600W doesn't make a shitty 20$ 400W PSU immediately explode they can just sell it as 600W PSU for 80$. If you buy any of those PSUs you're asking for a fire anyway even if get a "700W" (actually 450-500W) that can just about power your build.

Okay that sounds all good thanks. I will double check the brand of the PSU I have currently to make sure it isn't a bad part but I'd assume since it's lasted me 5 years so far it probably isn't. And since you mentioned the RAM, do you have any suggestions on a different pair?

Also it's almost certainly just because I am not familiar with SSD's but I'm surprised I've never heard of any of the one's you mentioned, which I'm not going to lie does worry me a bit but I'll take your word for it and look at some reviews haha.

posted about 4 years ago
#3657 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulWell by the time you buy Matisse Refresh (3600XT) will be a thing. Some general advice:
Either commit to spending a lot of money on overclocking or don't. You'll always be held back by the weakest link.
The 212 Evo is a budget cooler, but it isn't particularly cheap in Australia so it makes no sense to buy it, especially if you're spending 300$ on a mobo.
Though I wouldn't recommend spending that much money on an X570 without a good reason. B450 is good enough and with B550 you wouldn't even have to worry about updating the BIOS for a 3600XT so that'd be both easier and cheaper.
Don't cheap out on the RAM, you can afford better timings. Check the mobo QVL just in case. Nothing worse than RAM that won't work at the advertised frequency with your mobo.
GPU depends on the settings, you might not need a 2070 Super.
A 2060 Super is much close to a 2070 than to a 2060. The performance difference is a lot less than the almost 1/3 of the price you save compared to a 2070 Super (and like I said you might not even need a 2060 Super).
That said if you can find a cheaper 2070 Super (e.g. one is on sale for 750$ right now) it's worth considering because it is a significant step up from the 2060 Super/2070.

Hi again,

I'm a big idiot, I didn't check the next page of the thread so I've only seen your reply to #3630 now. I was wondering if you could check out my updated build at https://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/jjoshea/saved/#view=LndK3C . I've decided to hold off on buying a new gpu right now and I might wait to see what happens with prices (of 20&30 series) when the new 30 series cards release and keep using my 970 for the next few months. You can largely ignore builds #2, #3, & #4 as I've ruled them out, the only other build I considered was #5 but it seems I came to the same conclusion you came to in a similar thread noting the extra costs of a proper cooler and mobo to go with the already $200 more 10600k.

Also, I decided to go with a b450 because I don't plan on upgrading to the new 4000series cpu's so the forwards compatibility is largely useless to me and theres no guarantee 500series boards will be compatible with 5000series cpu's (and even then I highly doubt I'd upgrade to anything before 6000 series which almost certainly won't be compatible with 500 series). Also, with your comment on RAM, I don't remember what RAM I originally had planned in the build but I'm assuming (or hoping) this g.skill 16gb 3600Mhz is good enough?

Lastly, do you have any SSD recommendations or tips? I went with this seagate 500gb one for $125 because it was a bit cheaper than the 970 evo which I think I originally planned on, without seeming like a performance downgrade since Seagate seem to be a reputable brand but I'd greatly appreciate suggestions if you have any. I'm not against spending a little more on one. Also for the record 500gb seems to be the sweet spot for me atm since I'll bring forward my current 2tb hdd to my new computer

Thank you very much for the help.

EDIT: I was also wondering if keeping my 500w psu for the next couple months with this new build (with a 970) would be safe/okay? I just think it means I can buy the computer a little sooner and also makes it so I don't run into any troubles picking a psu once I know which GPU I'm going to buy in a few months.

posted about 4 years ago
#3618 PC Build Thread in Hardware


I have been recommended your services for overlooking possible PC builds. This is what I have put together so far, https://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/jjoshea/saved/. Basically looking to mainly play TF2 & R6 Siege constantly over 144 and into the 200s if possible. However, I play other games as well and my goal is basically to be able to achieve over 144 in any modern shooter I might play such as Apex, Rust, PUBG etc. My Budget is about AUD $2000 give or take a few hundred.

Any help I could receive is great, probably looking to buy within the next few months so nothing urgent.

EDIT: I've made quite a few changes to the build, mainly have gone and removed the GPU as I think I'll stick with my 970 for a while to see what happens to prices over the coming months when the 30 series launches and/or black Friday happens. Also the case is a toss up between the p400a and the Lancool II Mesh atm.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 The TF2 update in TF2 General Discussion
yknowplease don't install it :(

tay letting loose

posted about 7 years ago
#8 OZF 20 IM UPP: Questionable vs. spn 70kg fatty in TF2 General Discussion
Zildjianfuck I carried that

100% u would have lost if it weren't for you!

posted about 7 years ago
#14 OZF 20 W6: vicious delicious vs. The Sauce in Events
heebsviperi dunno who any of the other players are, but go rocky and girl frogl0l

how do u delete i replied to wrong post

posted about 7 years ago
#13 OZF 20 W6: vicious delicious vs. The Sauce in Events
viperi dunno who any of the other players are, but go rocky and girl frog


posted about 7 years ago
#10 OZF 20 W6: vicious delicious vs. The Sauce in Events
Vivilet's hope for an upset


posted about 7 years ago
#1 OZF 20 W6: vicious delicious vs. The Sauce in Events


posted about 7 years ago
#14 OZF 20 W4: Mad Men vs. vicious delicious in Events


posted about 7 years ago
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