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Signed Up July 18, 2014
Last Posted November 18, 2014 at 11:03 AM
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#5 mimimiHUD in Customization
Shooshlooks good, only problem I have is that the health and ammo are so far out of the way you physically have to move your eyes to see the ammo/health compared to just peripheral vision. I guess thats being picky lol

Hm, when i play i can easily see it with my peripheral vision. Even tho, my real reason to put it way down there is because I think seeing more of the game and don't get distracted is more important.

However, my resolution is not that big 1360x756 (something like that). And I didn't test it out on bigger resolutions. You can still easily change it and put it up a bit.

Thanks for the feedback anyway.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 mimimiHUD in Customization

Sup, so I've been downloading, testing, analising and changing HUDs for quite sometime now. And I've finally reached what I wanted, and decided to share what I "created" (most of it I took from HUDs that I like and change a little bit).

It's a minimalistic and simple competitive HUD based off SlinFire, Oxide, broesel and others. Ty guys.

It's not ready yet. I'll work on it for sometime and I'll gladly accept suggestions and opinions on it. But the basic concept is here.


Download, enjoy!

posted about 10 years ago
#841 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Good, but I hate this kind of songs, so yeah

posted about 10 years ago