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Signed Up April 23, 2020
Last Posted July 30, 2023 at 2:29 PM
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#6 How it started / How it's going in TF2 General Discussion

one question:

posted about 4 years ago
#1251 worst steam profile in Off Topic

i know the guy and you'd think its ironic but it really isn't......
cool guy though!

posted about 4 years ago
#3 inportant thread in The Dumpster

Shopped image. We all know the video is longer than 22 hours.

posted about 4 years ago
#19 team fortress 2 in Off Topic

dude, wtf? just go get maple syrup. sugar cannot compare and... again, wtf??

posted about 4 years ago
#7 team fortress 2 in Off Topic
Potchyeah but i cant tell if pubs are like a science experiment to see if monkeys can play video games or if there's actually a real human behind the pyro in my badwater spawn shooting the floor with a shotgun for 8 minutes

hey, thats kind of mean to say! monkeys are smarter than that. 11 year olds on their mom's chromebook, however...

posted about 4 years ago
#1 team fortress 2 in Off Topic

good game?

posted about 4 years ago
#54 Who do we get banned next? in TF2 General Discussion

why do you want to ban anybody in the first place lol

posted about 4 years ago
#52 Young man in a pyrocynical fall guys video in Other Games

i can't tell whats stupider, the original post or the replies to comments.

posted about 4 years ago
#7801 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Pipe Physics Fix in TF2 General Discussion
mastercomsYou can set random spin to be off through an attribute: grenade_no_spin. Spin would still be a problem with the iron bomber mesh if not disabled.

How do I apply this? Is it part of Team Comtress or can I apply it through server plugin or through the console?

posted about 4 years ago
#1556 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

sans has changed their name to: dio
hughbris: you thought it was sans
hughbris: but it was me, DIO!
dio: i was gonna make that joke :(

later, after game ends

hughbris: you though we were gonna have a good sniper
hughbris: but it was me, DIO!
dio: i fucking hate you

posted about 4 years ago
#232 RGL S3 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
EvilDEATH1234Prepare yourselves for the introduction of The EvilDEATH1234 Experience

Be forewarned. Used to be an Experience meant making you a bit older. This one makes you wider. With the assistance of BillTF2 (on Roamer) and Rive (on Pocket Scout), EvilDEATH1234 breaks the badlands into explosive fragments. Then reassembles it. You see with a new eye, after being Experienced.

Those who’ve only seen him play know only part of This Experience. They rave about a young man who plays Demoman in more positions than anybody before him. Now, this debut team will put the heads of EvilDEATH1234’s pupils into some novel positions. Be forewarned.

same energy as

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Pipe Physics Fix in TF2 General Discussion
Janei assume that you want the iron bomber pipes to not use the stock pipe's physics? that'd make the pipes about 30% slower

yeah, thats exactly what i want. i know it'd make them travel farther but that's not a problem.
this rollout is what i'm using them for:

the random spin on the pipes with the stock pipe physics makes the pipe jump in the beginning of the video extremely random, sometimes the pipe bounces away, sometimes the pipe bounces under you and in both cases, the rollout gets messed up.

theres also some other pipe jump spots on the map that can get completely screwed over by pipes rolling off or going nowhere.
the random spin on every pipe wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if it had the pseudo-spherical physics model and not the football mode, so that's all i care about. also making demoman have complete accuracy on pipes in this gamemode may make him a bit too strong than he should be.

posted about 4 years ago
#74 trump china virus in World Events
Zestyany body in this thread think banny pees in the jug?

what if he has a water jug and a piss jug

posted about 4 years ago
#73 trump china virus in World Events
tibbythe perfect way to end 2020 would be for both presidential candidates to fucking die of the plague

the first year an independent has a chance to win

posted about 4 years ago
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