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Last Posted January 8, 2016 at 5:00 PM
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#26 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
ekunYou should try a badlands mid idea. An ultiduo version of it has already been made, but there were some flaws with its design; namely, you could just leave choke when you're losing a fight.

I did receive a couple of suggestions of allowing the players to access to the area under the map, obviously I would have to redesign the bottom part entirely but it's a possibility.

I'll make sure to add that to my list for the weekend.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
SideshowA reverse nipple would be cool to try out, as you have to commit really hard to getting the cap once you frag.

I like this map already but it does feel like a clone of baloo, there's nothing fundamentally different. Changing the cap point so it's not just a nipple (and even blitzo's idea only makes it a nipple that the med can get on) would be a good idea.

Make some crazy changes, try a load of different cap point ideas, because that is what will define your map. And we desperately need a good 3rd ultiduo map for tournaments etc.

I'll give it a shot over the weekend and attempt to make a few versions of the map. Thank you for your feedback.

// I believe you tested the map out during an early version, you may of noticed I added glass into the slanted roof... (Due to a certain someone wiping their ass up and down it waiting for people to come out of spawn >-> :P)

posted about 9 years ago
#19 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
BlitzoNipple original variation idea : http://tof.canardpc.com/view/4272e9b5-ff00-4d1f-b4f6-ee4415cedf30.jpg

Atm the map looks good, nice work !

I assume the top part meets flush with the ground and then the under part goes below, so a reverse nipple?

I like the concept :D

posted about 9 years ago
#16 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
phraxit's already been said, but nipples really do suck in ulti tbh, I would suggest doing something else for the mid. rationale being that ulti traditionally is about attrition and controlling the pace of the fight based on health, with the nipple you can basically only be not fighting or taking a very fast fight by jumping them, as you can't effectively trade spam when the other guy is on the nipple.

idk what to suggest instead but just take that into consideration. also, don't make it too jump-heavy like baloo, middies are cool but imo ulti is more fun when it rewards hitting good rockets at all ranges instead of pure airshot ability. and in general be mindful of medibeam range especially with regards to high platforms or safer areas

that said the map looks great aesthetically which is a start and helps make the map more fun imo, snowy forest thing is super cool. I really hope you can get it to work

There does seem to be a clear consensus that people hate Nipple maps, I'll likely do what I stated earlier and attempt to make a few different designs instead and then let people decide which ones they like more. I'll see what comes to my head next time I open hammer. :D

Thank you for putting time into commenting.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
KryptoniteNot sure if this is intentional or not but you can stand and walk around on the ledge above spawn.

Other than that the map looks interesting and I'd like to test it out.

The top area is mainly designed to be an area players can "Surf" and the glass is obviously for visibility to stop spawn killing.

Saying that. I'm not sure I like players being able to walk at the very top, so I'll likely edit that out in a future version. Thank you for the input. :D

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
WWhistlerAlready downloaded and added to my server, looking forward to test it! We need more ultiduo maps.

Thank you!

If you have any thoughts of ideas for the map please come back and let me know. :D

posted about 9 years ago
#10 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
SilverToasterlooks cool, it would be interesting to see how those raised bits on the sides are used

Well if you ever get around to playing on the map let me know, I'll be very grateful for any information you can share with me. There's a server dedicated for the map which I listed in the initial post which you can use for testing. :D

posted about 9 years ago
#8 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
fireindaarcadeI will say, there are a lot of people out there that don't like the Baloo control point, because it gives such an advantage to the defender of the point. If you are fine with that, then it looks pretty good overall.

Aye, quite a few people hate "Nipple" maps and It's the criticism I receive the most. I do want to stress that this is still a map in development. Meaning I'm more than happy to change the control point if it's what people want.

RhettroI really like it, but I agree a different mid design would be nice.

Could you fire some suggestions at me?
I'm more than happy to make several versions of the mid and let you guys decide which one you like best, just need a few ideas to get to work. :D

posted about 9 years ago
#5 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
OasisLooks like alot is going on in such alittle map

Is that a positive thing or a negative thing? :P

posted about 9 years ago
#3 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion
ConkyIt looks a lot like ultiduo_baloo but with a bunch of other stuff added around the sides (not a bad thing)

I haven't actually played on it yet however just from jumping around on it I have a few ideas.
This spam angle might be kind of op
I also feel like the middle doorway between the spawn doors might be kind of useless.

- The health and ammo placement seem fine.
- It looks REALLY good aesthetically.

My only complaint at first glance is again the high ground above the spawn doors.

The door way area: Basically the door section with the glass serves as one of the "Escape" or "Juke" parts for a medic and is heavily used when watching testers.

The Spam Angle: I'll try and think of a way of adjusting that spam angle specifically, my aim was to try and make it so both doors couldn't be spawn camped equally. (if that makes sense) If that area becomes an issue in play testing I might just remove it entirely.

- Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it. (I've written down your points for future reference)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ultiduo_raksha_beta7 in Map Discussion

Hello, I'm basically hoping I can get some feedback for a map I started developing a month ago.

Game Banana Link: http://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/188329

I want to continue to move the map forward into something more enjoyable and playable but I haven't had much luck with the game banana community and it's hard to ask friends for advice constantly when there's an obvious bias.

Don't hesitate to leave negative feedback. Negative feedback helps to move things in the right direction.

(The map is still being developed, so anything can be changed. "Including the control point, people really want it to be lowered)

There's also a server currently running the map, so if you want to quickly download the map and explore it feel free to click the link below. (I hate installing maps manually as well)

Click me if you want to be transported to a server running the map.
ip: (Just in case)



If you use some form of TF2 optimization configs such as chris's you'll likely have the 3D skybox disabled, to enable it type this into console: "r_3dsky 1"

posted about 9 years ago